a new feeling

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since ming and mr d, dont know its thanit they will call him as pha,but for thanit i use his own name .so don't be confused


Though pha was recover ming made pha rest  for some more months and he postpone  all  his projects.

When he enter he see pha(thanit) sleeping on the bed.

Ming sat beside him and admiring him.pha(thanit)looked so cute to ming.he adjusted the bangs back and tracing the lines while admiring him.

Thanit feels a hand on him and when he wakes he see ming tracing his hand on his face.he jolted from the bed and sit a bit distance from ming.

"Wh..what..a..ar.y..you. do..ing? "Thanit asked while stuttering.

Ming was a little surprised by  the act but he found it cute when he shutter.

"What?, I am admiring my boyfriend .is it wrong. You know how cute are you when you are sleeping" ming said

Thanit blushed for that.no one never say that to him.this all new to him and he cant stop himself from falling.

"Oh..oh...you are blushing "ming came near him and took his face with his both hands.and look straight to his eyes.

"I swear to god if something happen to you I cant even live. You know how much I was afraid when i see you their with blood covered on you.i thought i lost the beat of my heart."

He kissed his forehead and hug him to his chest.thanit felt a tear because of the confession but at that moment he was carried away and hugged ming more tightly.

Ming look him in eyes and was about to kiss him but that's when thanit came to reality and push ming  away.

"What ?"ming asked.

"I didnt do brushing.it smells" thanit said.

"Oh baby,do you think I will consider that "he throw pha on bed and pinned his hands on his top.

"Dont ever  resist me from kissing you. You dont know what i will do "ming said and kiss pha on his lips.

Its soft,smooth and calm.

Ming back off he feel different but then he look to thanit eyes and he see a pure love feeling their.again he kissed him a little longer while he look straight to the eyes.

This time thanit respond and kiss ming back and both kissed like that for some time and then they seperate .

It was a dominating kiss and thanit pour his heart in this.

Ming really this side of pha. It's very dominating.he look straight to his eyes .baby you feel..before he say something his phone ring and he went to attend it before leaving her peek thanit lips.i will be back he said leave the room.

Thanit came to reality and think what he did. this going to hard than I think .Ishould not do this ming is pha's his brother lover.he cant hav feelings for him.this should not happen in first place.

When hesaw ming entering to his room again he hurriedly ran to bathroom and close the door.

Mung just smiled.after the accident you really changed alot pha. ming smiled to himself when he touch his lips where thanit kiss him so passionately and posisissivily

Everyone gathered at the breakfast table but thanit sit beside mr d .

"Hey" ming was about to say something.

"I want to sit with my dad" thanit declared while tucking his arms around mr d.

Mr.d just laugh."oh my son let's hav breakfast  together "mr d said.

"Dad legally I am your son.but you are  behaving as phas, all the time "ming said while pout his lips.

"So what he also my son and I hav alright to spend sometime with him.you are always welcome. But remember you are after him my to me."

Thanit slip his tongue out to make ming more jealous." Do what ever you want both of you."

"Dad shall I go on a date with you"  thanit asked.

"Why not let's make it  our day" mr d said
"Dad I have plans with pha today "ming said

"Cancel all "mr d said

"But....ming just shook his head.all my plans are ruined because of you.you are not dad you are devil in disgust.you are snatching my pha from me" ming was cursing his dad inside while looking angrily at his dad.

"I am not snatching pha from you and I am nor devil also" mr d said out loud.

"Dad" ming just shut his mouth with both hands.

Thanit looked confusingly at both of them.

"How did you."

"Because I am devil" mr d said.

"I have some work.i will catch you later" ming ran from their

"What happen?" thanit asked.

"Nothing did you 2 fight "mr d asked.

No why,

just ...fine let's go

All day father and son enjoy their date .

Mr d left thanit at home.and said

"Pha I enjoy a lot today.thanks "mr d said

"Mee too dad.its like I got all my missing memories."pha said.

Mr d laugh and hug pha.
"Go, that idiot will be sulking right now."
pha laugh and went to home.

The house was all dark.

Anyone home.why is their all dark here pha said then suddenly  the small lights lit up showing the way.

When he follow he see ming at the end of the rose petal way with flowers hiding.

Thanit heart missed beating .he was stunned at that.

"Pha can I have dinner date with you."ming asked smiling  while handling the flowers to pha.

pha was frozen on the place.something is wrong with him and he hav to say no but pha was melting for the love ming was showing.

That's it for this part

what happen next?do you guys know?

whom do you guys want that will end at last ming pha or ming thanit.

or do you want love triangle?

Thanks megha

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