you drive me crazy...THANIT

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Thanit woke up from sleep and see forth standing near his window.

The morning shine in background,the wind the blows  from out slightly blowing his bangs and the smile.

Both hands in his pockets and he slightly turn to see him and smiled. And said" good morning my love".

"Wow this the pleasent morning I ever had.if this the scene every day I see when I wake up.then..."before he complete the sentence

"Then what will you do "a voice said

"Your voice is so sweet even in my dreams." Thanit said

Forth raised his eyebrows ..."dream"

" are even in my you hav any idea how I resist my self here.why are so good looking." Thanit said.he look likea stupidity processed him.

Forrh smiled.

"Dont smile like that you are killing me with your smile."

Forth tighten his lips and suppressed his smiled.

"How cute "thanit said.

"Dont torture those lips.they look delicious. I wonder how they taste." Thanit said

"Then taste it "forth came forward and catch thanit lips.

"Its a small peek."thanit came to reality and press forth body slightly to know it's not dream..

"This is not dream..."thanit. Asked

"No..I am here all this time..."forth said.

Shit before thanit hide himself in duvet forth catch him and kiss those lips.

After a passionate kiss.forth said.

"I thinks your lips are more tasty than mine."

"No yours are more.its like a drug that I am addicting to it "thanit said.

Forth smiled" really...."
Thanit smiled and node his head ..sheeplessly.

"Go and get ready.we hav more things to do."

Forth went to ben to greet him and thanit went to washroom.

"Are you happy "ben asked.

"Yes dad thanit gave me a chance to prove my love."

Ben smiled,"let me tell you one thing forth,if you hurt thanit I will be the first one cut ties with you."

"No fad if ever any thing happen and thanit decide to leave me,then i will leave this world dad."

"Forth" ben shouted.

"Yes dad ,you dont know how I hurt when he is away from me.and I cant bear his hate  towards me."

"And that wont happen dad.i will not allow it."forrh smiled with teary eyes.

Ben just ruffle his hair."i trust you forth."

Thanit listen all the conversation  behind the wall.
He clear the tears and smiled .

"Hey I am ready.shall we go."thanit shouted.

Forth wipe the tears and smiled.

"Ready beautiful.come let's go."

They bid bye to ben and went on a date.

Forrh take thanit to different places.they enjoy like children
In every act he feel forth care and love to wards him.

When they reach home ben  is already a sleep.

"Ok then, thanit I will leave here ,I will meet you in morning."forth said

"Dont you want to come in "thanit asked.

"No,I hav no self control when it comes to you.since you are far all this time  I managed, now you are this close I I will go "forth said.

Thanit just node.

"Fine good night "thanit said

"Good night "forths said and went out  to his car but his heart says not to leave this place.

He stand near the car and presses his fore head t
o car and closed his eyes.

Thanit  ...thanit..he was slightly beating the car.

"Forth"thanit called.

Forth immediately turn around and see thanit.

"I was just going,.why are you here.its cold outside.. go.  In.."before he complete thanit hold forths color and drag him for a kiss.

Both kiss like ther is no tommorow.

"I want you "thanit said.

That's the last string forth was holding...he drag thanit to his room  and throw thanit to his bed and hover on him.they didnt know when their cloths are on floor

He kiss the neck and started to lick it.

""thanit moan

"Thanit there is still time to stop this.if I go any further I cant stop this at all."
Forth said while he still licking and biting thanits ear.

Thanut didnt say any thing...

"Baby just say it I will stop..."forth said

" to..stop."

Thanit said.

He deag forth and kiss him so deep.

Forth hands went straight to thanits little monster and they both are having so much heat and pleasure..

Forth hold both their monsters and started rubbing  them..

" cant...please...."

Thanit moans make forth more high and stroked fast.

Both reached climax. Before thanit came out of the  pleasure  forth turn him and prepare thanits hole.

And with small push and pull game forth was inside.

"ARe you ok baby" forth asked.

Thanit node and forth started the game again.

they are in extreme pleasure and thanits moans are like music to him.

He lean and kiss thanits back and lick thanits ear and whisper

"You are driving me crazy " forth said.

Thanit shiver and clench forth  inside.

"God are .."
"You are...."before he say anything both reach their climax and fell on bed.

Forth clean both them  and went to thanit.
Thanit hug forth close and both went to sleep.

"That's the great night I hav in all my life" forth hug thanit close and kiss his hair.and went to sleep.

"Mee too" thanit whisper and hug forth tightly.

That's it for this part

Thanks megha.

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