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Ming :

you cant loss ,what you never had
You can't keep what is not yours
You cant hold on to something that does not want to stay

Phana :

I can fake a smile.
i can pretent to be happy.
i can do a lot of things but I cant pretent that I dont love you.


I am running like crazy  with falling tears from my eyes which has decided not to stop at all.my heart which was hurting like some one has sliced that one with sharp knife and forget to stitch it.

I fall on my knees  placed my hand on my heart and tears are flowing continuously.i never know that a heart beak will be like this.its like the world around me is sinking and everything is beside me is going into it

Why cant I sink in it.why it is not taking me down to earth why it is making me to feel this pain

Yes I am a broken heart now.the world I built  was collapsed  before few minute ago.the one I loved,the one i treasured  ,the one i trusted broke everything my heart, trust and love .now it is making my life miserable.do i hav to live with this broken heart for the rest of my life.

May be or maybe not.

Times heals everything but I hav no intention of waiting for time to heal me.well my heart is in a position that want to stop right now.

Suddenly I hear the gun fire.i lifted my head and see a man running towards me.my eyes are blurry with tears I cant see his face.he ran fast to me hold my hand and drag me with him.he is holding my hand and we are running.i was trying to see him but my tears.

I wiped my tears and see a man.i  cant see his face.

:Run ming run  ....."he was shouting.

I know this voice he is he is..

Before I say he turn to see back of me

Its its pha,"run dont look back :he was shouting

What is going on I wanted to ask him but no my tounge is tied here.

He drag me to a side. We are hiding behind the wall
He leaned on the wall holding me tightly to his heart.he is looking wheather the men are still following  us or not but me what am I doing.

I was looking at him.his face  no eyes nose and those lips wow...
It's not the first time I am with this man but I never feel like this.

My heart is beating like crazy I glued my eyes to his face.i never feel like this around  him but why now.

Suddenly he looked in to my eyes.is that my broken heart that is beating like crazy right now.he cupped my face suddenly I closed my eyes feeling his warm hands on my cheeks.he was rubbing his thumb .


He called I dont know what happen to me I came close to his lips.he smiles.its like  my heart stopped beating
He placed his lips on mine.i feel the warmth. I feel that my body shivered with the shock.that kiss feels like heaven.

Did I cry few minutes ago because of my broke  heart  but what is this now it is beating like crazy.

"Pha..."did I call him or did I moan his name.i dont know.

"Ming...ming..."someone called.

I see pha making me come to earth from my dream land.

They are gone.we can go now.lets go.he was still holding my hand.

I am looking at him.what happen right now, is just a dream or he did kiss me.hihhhhhh what is going on.

In no time we are in car and driving to our destination.

What just happen now.

I am heart broken right

Or  my heart beats like crazy for this man

Or did he kiss me or it's just a dream

I fall back on the seat closed my eyes.
I remembers what my life few months ago

It all started 1 year ago.

Let's start my story

That's it for teaser

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Thanks megha

Broken Heart.....loving HeartWhere stories live. Discover now