i ..love...you...thanit

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Sorry guys I cant leave thanit like a sad man
Becaus where its nit his fault , that he became gangster and he like ming and leave as heart broken.so i  made thanit more happy.

Hope you like this

All picture credits goes to their rightful owners

***************************After leaving ming and pha thanit and ben went to the coastal area where they started new restaurant.

Slowly thanit mingled himself in the work and he was normal now.

Ben notice that thanit is no longer effected by mings thoughts .

A fresh day starts....thanut was cleaning the tables where ben was at kitchen.

Suddenly the door open and look thanut looked and said.

"Well.....".his words stuck in his throat.he was stunned...no he was frozen at the place.

Who is this greek god....thanit thought to himself...

A man entered the restaurant  .he look all over and when he spot thanit he smiled and started walking to him.

That smile make thanits heart burst like a explosive...and every step he take towards thanit it's like the most beautiful creature in the universe is walking towards him

"Hi how are you "that man open his arm for shakehand.

Thanit was still at his place frozen like that man make a spell on him.

Thanit...thanit that man was calling..

But thanit dont hear any thing he just saw that mans lips are moving but he cant hear what he says....

Those lips wow what does it feel when I kiss them  he think to himself.

Forth.....ben came out and shouted when he here the commotion outside.

"Dad "forth ran to ben and hug him.

Thanit was animatedly moving his body and eyes to where forth moves.

"Thanit do u remember forth my son ."

Ben asked

Huh...nothing came from thanits mouth

Ben and forth are confused and knotted  his eyebrows  and look at thanit

"What happen "ben shouted and thanit came to reality.

"Huh what happen" thanit asked but his eyes are still on forth.

"This is my son forth "ben introduced.

Huh...ok...he forget to shake his hand even when forth offered him.

No one believes he is a gangster once.

He just looks like a stupid in love right now.

"I think you don't like me" forth said

"What ?"thanit flashed  to forth.

"You are not willing to give shakehand to me..."

Thanit immediately took forths hand and squeezing them like that is a soft dough

Forth smiled he know thanit fall for hi..

Even ben never see thanit this stupid.

He also laugh.

"Let's sit :ben said.

"Thanit...thanit..".forth said

"My hands....."forth said

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