we belongs to each other

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next day ming was getting ready to goo to ofice.

pha was silently looking at ming,

ming was so handsome in the suit.he was controlling himself not to jump on him,and so many thoughts are making him restless

though ming was getting ready he was observving pha from the cornor of his eyes.something is distrubing him he thought

he went pha and sit beside him,

"who is that "ming asked

"who who "pha asked getting out o f his thoughts.

"who is making you this restless early in the morning" ming asked

"who else its you,..".pha said absentmindedly and closed his mouth with his hand,he dont want to tell ming what he thinks,its his first day in office.

"me?what is it tell me "ming said

"hummm nothing get ready.you hav to go to office."pha try to change the topic.

before ming say his phone ring and its his dad

dad he talked for some time and thanked him.

"now tell me what is killing you inside"

"that that..you are this handsome ...'


"all in the office will make move on you.what if someone ...will...snat..you..heart"

he almost said as whisper/

"ming laugh..god pha,yo are so funny" ming laugh

"what funny its hurting me here "he showed his heart.

babay he ccupped phas face and make him sit in his lap.

"i love only you" ming said

i know but other...

"no matter a universse beauty will come also i dont care"ming said

pha laugh whole heartedly and hug ming

and get ready too he said

"huh you dont hav to drop me i hav no shoting" pha said

"no,you are going with me" ming said

"me,office why "pha asked

"i hav to introduce my fiancy to eveery one "ming said

"no ming, its your first day you dont hav to do that,i hav confidence on you" pha said and "what will dad think "

"Dad knows everything so ..."
"No you go,next time I will come."

"I dont want any gossips on first day" mr ming.

Ming laugh
"Fine give me my kiss "ming asked

Pha was still on mings lap and he kiss ming passionately .

"Fine now go" pha bid good bye to ming.

Pha received a call from his manager to remind him they hav a meeting for new project.

Ming did a great entry to the office.his dad was so happy."where is my other son "he asked ming

"He said he will join next time. he dont want rumours on first day about his husband."

Mr d laugh."wow my son is so thoughtful." He said

Dad ...ming pout.
He just hug him."i always want him beside you.you too look good together "

Ming laugh when he was about to go he called

"Ming ,no matter what reason or what ever be, never ever leave pha.he loves you so much.he cant live without you."

"Making a step back or bowing before him is not an insult. If something ever goes wrong you can step back and try to convince him."he said

"And if if you make me choose one among you I will choose pha without dought.i trust him so much for you and in all aspects."he said

"Ming hug his dad i will never leave him dad "

That night ming was hugging pha.
"What are you thinking" ming asked

"I got new project."pha said

And and..
"What is it" ming asked

"Ming ,bas was with me in this" he said

"Ok so what." Ming asked.
"you dont feel anything" pha asked
"I trust you pha"

."the manager say you got project with cop and you reject it."pha said

"Yes so"
"Why you did that."

"Nothing I will be busy with work so.."

"I met cop this morning when I went to talk to manager."

"So" ming.

"He was sad. He dont hav any projects in his hand and he put all Hope's in this project which is with you.
Manager didnt tell him that you rejected it.he was so happy for the project,if you reject then they will take another couple."pha said

"you want me in this project" ming asked directly

pha sit and look in to mings eyes

"you love me right "pha asked

"alot "ming replied.

"i hav trust on you,so please help cop" pha asked

"what if...if.."ming cant complete the sentence

"you will never see him like love of your life"

"no ,never "

"that place belongs to mee only so no worries,its last time and after this project lets get engaged and marriaage asoon as possible"

"what?" ming shouted.

"yes i cant seperate from you longer than this."

"Let's get engage and tell the whole world we belong to each other."

"Ming was in clouds."he hug pha.

He called his manager and told about accepting the project.

"I deserve a reward for this "ming asked

Sure pha drag ming into his lap and kissed him. A passionate one.where he pours all the love in to the kiss and tells ming how much he love him.

Ming can feel that.he cupped phas face and passed the right hand to his nape and drag him close and deepen the kiss

Other side cop and yo were smilling while their plan was successful .

Let's find our own happiness .cop and bas shake their hands together.

That's it for this part.

Why bas?
Why cop?

Is pha digging his own hole thinking that he is helping cop.? Or he is more confident about his love

What do you think guys?

That's it for this part
Thanks megha

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