Friday Night

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Brooke POV

"How school is coming along sweet heart it's been like a month are so" My dad said

"Grades are perfect as always, Still getting scholarships, I'm captain of the cheerleading team and debate team" I said while eating my dinner

"That's daddy baby girl always making me proud" My dad said

"That's wonderful baby" My mom said

"Thanks" I said

"So what going on with you Andre" My mom said

"Grades are perfect and I'm thinking signing up for this internship at this big company for business administration" Andre said

"Ok well you know sometimes they hire the people that do a internship with dre" I said

"I heard about that well I hope they will hire me one day" Andre said

"They well son with your skills and knowledge Shiid they better" My dad said

"Rodney" My mom said hitting my daddy

"It's the damn truth baby" My dad said

"Your right. Well tomorrow me and your dad is going on our annual date. So tomorrow for dinner order take-out" My mom said

"Ok momma" Me and Andre said in unison

After we ate we cleaned up the kitchen and went to are rooms and get prepared for tomorrow. While laying in the bed watching YouTube videos. I got a text from Levi and Marcus at the same time

Levi: What you got plan for Friday night
Brooke: Nothing just chilling watching Netflix. What's up
Levi: well I got some backwoods we can smoke on and they the good shit too
Brooke: word and my parents ain't going to be home on Friday night either
Levi: that's what's up what time you want me to come over
Brooke:come by @7 and you spending the night
Levi: as always but alright sounds good
Marcus: wassup beautiful
Brooke: heyy
Marcus: well tell your brother I'm coming over tomorrow so we can play 2k20
Brooke: ok and why couldn't you tell him yourself
Marcus: because I wanted to text you
Brooke: Aww so sweet ❣️
Marcus: But anyways if my mom didn't come upstairs I would've been having you moaning and calling my name like crazy 🙊😏
Brooke: oh really
Marcus: Yeah just to be honest I'm hard for you right now
Brooke: Boy stop
Marcus: I'm serious but I talk to you later Beautiful
Brooke: talk to you later

Friday is here and I'm done with school I had two Chapters Tests today and I pass with a 98%. We didn't have a football game this Friday because it was cancelled but I had a meeting with my debate team and it went well. Andre pick me up from school and when got home he told me not to bother him because he going to have a lady friend over. Like I don't want to hear that and I know y'all going to be fucking so why is he sugar coating things. But when I got to my room I FaceTime my favorite cousin Keira.

Keira: Heyy Hun
Brooke: Heyy boo how you been
Keira: I been good Hun but I almost fought a bitch yesterday
Brooke: what happened now Keira
Keira: she was talking about me and when I walked by here she said a smart ass comment. I almost box that hoe in the fucking jaw.
Brooke: why didn't you
Keira: because momma said if I get in one more fight I'm going to grade school in London for Bad kids
Brooke: ok how she doing by the way
Keira: fine and getting on my nerves but she said we trying to come up there with y'all for a vacation.
Brooke: ok
Keira: I have a question to ask you
Brooke: Shoot
Keira: you and Levi didn't fuck yet
Brooke: Keira me and Levi are just best friends and plus that never going to happen ok
Keira: you think that but it going to happen sooner than you think cuzzo.
Brooke: What ever
Keira:well you better hurry up before I do because I be seeing him in Instagram and Snapchat. He surly look pretty Damn good to me
Brooke: ok Keira
Keira: well I have to go momma calling my name. Love you Brooke
Brooke: Love you too Keira

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