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Priest POV
I was hesitant to knock on the door of the girl that got my baby kidnapped but I have to do this to get answers to these questions I been waiting to ask her myself. I knock on the door a few times before she open it. When she saw my face she seem to be sacred or she was hiding something.

"Hey Priest what you doing here" Maya said using her index finger to brush her hair behind her ear. While looking pass me not at me

"Wassup Maya how you been" I said looking inside her house noticing a lot of shopping bags and suitcases

She plan on running away..

"I been good and why won't you come in" Maya said leading me into her home

I walked into her house while still observing my surroundings. Then I put my attention on her to see if anything change with her appearance. I noticed a bracelet on her wrist that looked familiar to the one I gave to Brooke on our first anniversary years ago. When I started in the game, it was a Pandora charm bracelet I still remember the day I went to go buy it.

 When I started in the game, it was a Pandora charm bracelet I still remember the day I went to go buy it

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"Umm Maya were you get that bracelet from" I said as I was walking closer to her

She started to get nervous while playing with the bracelet charms

"My mother gave this to me as a graduation present last year" Maya said as a quick answer to save her ass

"Well can I look at it" I said putting my hand out so she can hand me her wrist

"Umm sure you can"  Maya said looking at the bracelet once again

The only way it's Brooke bracelet if it have her full name carved into the bracelet band

I grab her wrist while looking at the bracelet. Ain't this some shit I seen "Brooke Marie Johnson" name carved right into the bracelet. Then I started to think she probably stole it from her the night they snatched her up at the gas station.

"Nice where you going I see a lot of shopping bags and suitcases" I asked while sitting down on the arm of the couch crossing my arms

"Family vacation overseas" Maya said while playing with her fingers

"Um speaking of family what your last name Maya" I said adjusting my posture

"My last name is Homes" Maya said with a stutter

"Are you kin to Marcus right?" I said while watching her eyes shoot up at me when I said Marcus name

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