The Upcoming

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Narrator POV
It been three weeks since anyone has seen Marcus. He been keeping his distance from everyone else. Marcus is not the same Marcus. He has been drinking more and fucking random thots left to right. The only time he gets a glance of Brooke is when she leaving or coming home. During Marcus disappearance his was thinking of a master plan to get Brooke back but they are some people in his way. Like Levi, Priest, Andre, Micha, Quan, Kendra, Alex, Meka, and Dontae. While trying to figure out a plan, he also have help with two people, known as Maya (Marcus Cousin) and Jackie.

Marcus POV
"So what been going on. Is my plan working out smoothly" I said

"Yeah I been getting closer with the whole crew and I think they liking me" Maya said

"How about my girl and Priest" I said missing Brooke so much

"Brooke and I are very close and also Priest. So we straight" Maya said getting up and walking to her kitchen

"Good and I got a plan for her to break up with Levi" I said scrolling through my phone

"How" Maya said while coming back in the living room with something for us to drink

"You see this girl right here. Her and Levi had something going on before him and Brooke got together" I said showing her a picture of Jackie

"Ok and" Maya said looking loss

" I can use her to make Levi cheat on Brooke with her and she can recorded it. An somewhere down the line we can show this to Brooke" I said while rubbing my chin

"So when this going to happen" Maya said While taking a sip of her drink

"Pretty soon lil cuz" I said smirking 😏

Later that day

Brooke POV
Kendra and I was in the mall looking for prom dresses. An I think I found the one I was looking for . It was purple lace tight fitted dress with little diamonds everywhere. After Kendra had found her dress we went to register and paid for our things and left. While walking to the food court I bump into to someone I didn't expect I was going to see again.

"Oh I'm so sorry sir" I said while backing up a little and trying to look at the person face

"You good beautiful" unknown person said finally looking at me

"Marcus" I said shook to see him again

"Hey its been a while since the last time I seen you. How you been" Marcus said smiling

" Yeah you too and I been good. What about you" I said

"I been aight just been doing work and school and hey Kendra" Marcus said waving at Kendra

"Hey Marcus" Kendra said while looking up from her phone

"Well Marcus I have to get going and nice seeing you" I said

"Ok while can I get a hug" Marcus said embracing me for a hug

"Sure" I said giving him a hug

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