Before the Time Arrives

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Tammy POV
"Hey Kim I just pulled up. Where you park at" I said pulling up to a beach house that Erica send us the address for

"I'm standing right by my car, can you see me" Kimberly said through the other end of the phone

"Girl no I can't see you. What color you wearing" I said while looking really hard to find her

"I'm wearing a blue and white sundress" Kimberly said while I got close to her car and see her waving her hand

After seeing her I park my car right beside hers. Erica invited Kimberly and I to the beach house where their going to be hosting the fundraiser at tonight. She want us, the girl's to have a little lunch date before tonight.

"Girl I'm surprise Rodney let you out the house and even drive with be almost being 4 months pregnant" Kimberly said as we was walking inside the house

"Umm sis me too" I said walking beside her

"I remember when you was pregnant with Andre. Rodney drove you EVERYWHERE" Kimberly said while observing the house

"Yeah girl and I hated it too but you know what we here for right" I said doing the same while rubbing my pregnant belly

"Yeah to get some info from Erica about if she heard from her crazy ass son Marcus" Kimberly said

"That negro had the nerve to take my god baby from me and especially you sis" She continues to say by shaking her head

"Yeah I know but I hope we get her back tonight... Safely" I said feeling the sadness of my sweet sugar B being taken from me

Then Erica came out the kitchen with a young male probably about 16 holding two glasses of lemonade following right behind her.

"Hello Ladies, how you been" Erica said smiling from ear to ear

"Good and you" Kimberly and I said at the same time

"I just been busy with this fundraiser and all but Tammy you are growing and glowing sis" Erica said while the young boy had us our drinks

"Thank you" I smiled while rubbing my belly

Then she lead us to the back patio where we are having lunch at. We talk about what been going on with us and she did the same.

"So Erica what been going on with your son lately" I said while taking a bite out of my Cesar salad

"Um Marcus I haven't seen him in a couple of days but he calls me every two days are so" Erica said looking over at me

"Do y'all conversion be long" Kimberly said while adjusting herself in her seat

"Nahh not really but as long as I know he is safe and still living then I'm fine" Erica said while cracking a small smile

Kimberly and I just made eye contact with each other and start back eating our food.

"I hear that Ms. Brooke will be saying her valedictorian speech at this year graduation. How she coming along with it" Erica said while taking a sip of her lemonade

"She coming along pretty well. She just a little nervous you know" I said trying to said like everything is normal

"Yeah she well get over it soon but wish her my luck" Erica said

The lady's and I just gossip some more until Erica had some more business to handle for tonight. Then Kimberly and I had a little talk before leaving the house and going back home to get ready for tonight.

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