The Note

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Brooke POV

I was woken up by my notifications bell going off on my phone. So I got up and check it. And the things I seen was unbelievable to my eyes. I guess after me and Marcus conversation last night he went on social media and had a fucking rampage.

Marcus Homes
Posted @10:15pm

I really love this girl 😍 and she did this shit to me. She better start counting her fucking days 😡

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Marcus Homes
Posted @12:01pm

I should go tell your nigga. That we fucked before y'all even got together. And that my pussy not his hoe

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After reading all his post that he upload last night and this morning. It was like about 6 of them and this nigga is BIG BIG MAD. I decided to brush it off and go to the bathroom to do my regular hygiene routine. While brushing my teeth I seen a note stick to my bathroom mirror. So I hurry up and brush my teeth and wash my face to read this note. Now I'm finished so I grab the note of the mirror and read it

I thought you was better than that. I really had love you and I'm still in love with you. But I see you took me as a fucking joke. So be save around your surroundings. And keep your love ones close. I love you Brooke.

P.S. I'm going to get you back don't matter what I have to do

- Marcus

When I finished reading the note I was scared for my life. Then I started to wonder "how the this nigga get in my house". My first thought was ANDRE

Andre POV

I was downstairs fixing myself some of my favorite cereal "Fruit Loops". When I hear Brooke running downstairs the stairs coming towards me. She look like she was petrified. Like she seen a dead body or some shit.

"Andre Jamal Johnson" Brooke said with fear in her voice

"Oh shit" I said underneath my breath

"Yes Brooke Marie Johnson" I said

"Did you had Marcus over here last night" Brooke said while sitting next to me at the breakfast table

"No and why" I said taking another scoop of my cereal

Brooke told me what happened last night when Marcus had text her. An I can tell she was getting pissed off.

"I don't know what got into Marcus but this nigga is crazy" Brooke said

"B stop playing and explain more" I said

"I woke up this morning and seen all his post's he did last night... And he left a note for me on my bathroom mirror" Brooke said

"Let me see then" I said

"Here" Brooke said while getting up to fix her a bowl of cereal

I grab her phone and seen all the shit "My homeboy MARCUS" post last night. After reading all that I wanted to break his fucking neck. Then I got to the note that he left my sister. When I was finishing reading it. I was heated. Then this nigga had the nerve to say "and keep your love ones close" like what the fuck that supposed to mean. This nigga don't know I can put his ass in a grave about my sister.

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