She's gone

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Quan POV
This nigga wasn't going stop so I pulled out my pistol and shot his ass in the arm. Then he collapsed on the pavement holding his arm and groaning in pain. I cocked my gun back and was thinking should I shot this nigga again but nahh I need to find where Brooke is. I ran to my car and she wasn't there. I called her phone suddenly I heard it ringing and it sound like it was very near by. I look around my car and I find her phone on the ground with the screen bust up.

"Damn" I yelled running my hands down my face

I started thinking what should I do. Then I thought I should ask that dude that I shot some questions but when I walk back over there the same nigga I shot was hopping in a Black Range Rover. I was trying to take a picture of the license plate but the whoever was driving sped off and I know Brooke is in that some Range Rover got to be.

Rodney POV
"Baby I'm hungry" Tammy said while looking at the tv. While I was rubbing her feet

"What you want this time baby" I said giving her my full attention

"Butter pecan ice cream and pickles" Tammy said rubbing her belly

"Really baby that shit sound nasty" I said

"Yess now go downstairs and get for me" Tammy said pushing me out the bed

I slip on my house shoes and to the kitchen. I open the freezer and the refrigerator and grab the stuff. I fix her a bowl of ice cream and put some pickles on the side for her. Why she think this is going to taste good I thought to myself. She only 3 months pregnant and 6 more months to go. I was about to walk upstairs but I hear the doorbell went off. I put the stuff down and went to open the door. When I open the door I seen Quan looking scared and concerned. I let him in and he was just pacing back and forth breathing heavily.

"Rodney she's gone" Quan said repeatedly

"Who gone" I said closing and locking the door

"Rodney are you done because we are hungry" Tammy yelled from the room

"Wait in the kitchen and I be right back" I said grabbing the food

I walk in the room and handed Tammy her midnight snack. An I feel like she going to ask me who was at the door. So I might as well tell her.

"Who was at the door" Tammy said going right in

"Quan but I'll be right back" I said walking right back out the door and going to the kitchen

30 minutes passed

"So you telling me my daughter is kidnapped" I said pissed off

"Yes and I think I know who did it" Quan said rubbing his chin

"Then speak up nigga" I said putting both of my hands on the island and giving him my full attention

"Marcus did it" Quan said looking me in my eye so I know he was serious

"Davin son and why you think that" I said

"Because he did some crazy shit before an we already handle it"

"What you mean we and what crazy shit he did" I said getting more heated

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