The Kiss

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Maya ⬆️⬆️

Priest POV

I parked my car and walk to her front door. I knocked like three times until she answered. She was wearing a tank top and some yoga pants with her hair in messing bun.

"Hey come on in I just order us some pizza" Maya said while opening the door to let me in

While walking in her house it smelled like shea butter and vanilla. It look so cozy, warm, and pink but I didn't mind her color choices that much. I went to go sit down on her couch and waited for her.

"Let's break the ice I'm kind of nervous so if I make a fool of myself tonight just pay that no mind" Maya said while getting ready to sit down

"Ma you ain't got to be nervous around me I won't judge you" I said smiling show off my grills

She cover her face with her hand so I won't see her blushing.

"So what you want to do first watch a movie or get to know each other" I said

"Both we can get to know each other then watch a movie" Maya said

"Aight you first ma" I said

Maya told me everything about her. Her parents, where she from, when she move down here, her siblings even the one that got shoot a year before they move down here, the college she is attending and her major. An I was impressed with this girl. She had a lot going for her like Brooke. While she was talking I noticed she had a lotof pictures of her and Brooke. So I guess her and Brooke been kicking it a lot in these past two weeks til a month she was living here.

"So I told you mostly everything about me. What about you Priest" Maya said looking at me

"Um but first you and Brooke are close friends" I said looking at one of the photos on the TV stand

"Yeah we are. She help me move in and meet my mom but how do you know her" Maya said looking kind of worried

"We are real real close friends basically Best friends" I said slightly smiling while the picture of Brooke pop up in my mind

Before she could response back. Her door bell ring meaning the pizza is here. She went and answered the door and tip the delivery pizza gay and grab the pizza. She sat the pizza on the coffee table in the living room. Then she went into the kitchen and grab plates and drinks.

"Here you go and do you like minute maid fruit punch" Maya said handing me mine plate and drink

"That's fine" I said

After that we ate are pizza and I told her little things about me. I didn't want to tell her everything because I don't fully trust her. That what happened when you are in a gang. YOU CAN'T TRUST EVERYONE YOUR TRUST LIES WITH CERTAIN PEOPLE. Besides the only people that knows about my life personally is Brooke, Andre, Quan, Micah, Mrs. and Mr. Johnson.

"Maya I was wondering what your type" I said

" I like both" Maya said while taking another bite of her pizza

"I mean in niggas" I said while taking a sip of my drink

"I know what you mean I like both the dick and the pussy but I like pussy a little bit more" Maya said with confidence

When she said that I almost choked on my drink I never had a girl tell me she went both ways with so much confidence. Sometimes when girls tell me they be scared.

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