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Narrator POV
Jackie wasn't feeling to well for the past month. She been having morning sickness, loss of Appetite, and fatigue. Somedays she feel like her normal self and others she feels the worst. She was contemplating if she was pregnant or if it was something else wrong with her but on downside she knew that she was pregnant. Every chance she gets to take a pregnancy test, she never bring herself up it to because she scared of what it going to say.

*Location: Jackie's Boyfriend house
-And yes I said it boyfriend house

Jackie and her boyfriend Markel was cuddle up watching there favorite tv show Rick and Morty. Then all of the sudden Jackie started to feel sick to her stomach. So she got up from her boyfriend embrace and went into his bathroom that connected to his room and ran to the toilet throwing up. When Markel heard her throwing up. He ran in the bathroom after her.

"Let it all out Jay. I'm right here" Markel said while holding Jackie hair in a ponytail and rubbing her back

"Thanks bae I'm fin-" Jackie said but was cut off by throwing up again

A couple of seconds later, Jackie felt relieved and got up from the toilet while flushing it. Then she went to the sink and rinse out her mouth with water then some Listerine. While looking at herself in the mirror her boyfriend was looking at her.

"Babe you been sick for the past couple days you been coming over to my house. What up ma" Markel said leaning back into the wall

Jackie just stood there in silence

"Are you pregnant Jackie" Markel asked her

Then Jackie look at Markel through the mirror and start crying. Markel and Jackie was having sex but unprotected the only time they wear a condom is when one of them say something about it.

"I think I am pregnant Markel" Jackie said looking down at the sink

"What you mean you think Jackie. Didn't you even take a pregnancy test" Markel said walking closer to her

"No I didn't every time I try to I get scared" Jackie said wiping her tears

"While we need to find out today Jackie" Markel said wrapping his arms around her

"Okay bae I'll call my gynecologist today and make a appointment" Jackie said while holding onto his arms

"Good..well I'm going downstairs and getting you some ginger ale to ease your stomach" Markel said kissing her cheek

After Markel walk out of the bathroom. Jackie went back to the room and got back under the covers to lay down. There was so many things going through Jackie head at the moment....

Omg I might be pregnant...
What if Markel is or not the father...
What if Levi is or not the father...
What do I tell my parents...
I'm only 17 I can't have a baby right now...
What about my future....

With all these things going through Jackie mind right now she just call her OB/GYN then just drifted off to sleep.

Quan POV
At this moment I just praying that Brooke is safe and Marcus ain't harming her in any type of way because when I see him I'm going to put a bullet right into between his eyes. Furthermore the plan is set and the event is only one day away. Priest catch us up on what happened with Maya and the shit he said was crazy asf. Marcus obsess with Brooke wowww but on a better note I guess. The boys and I are out playing basketball at the court trying to relieve some stress.

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