I Want You Now

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Priest POV

I'm walking to Brooke room to check on her and before I get to the stairs I heard Rodney breaking Ms. Tammy back in. I just laughed and start walking up the stairs. When I got closer to Brooke room I hear screaming. So I ran to her room. When I opened the door it was just her in there. I noticed that she was having a bad dream.

"No no don't kill me. I'm sorry I'm sorry" Brooke said while holding her hands up for surrender in her sleep

"Brooke Brooke" I said

"I'm sorry Marcus I will leave him and then you can have me to yourself. Just please don't kill me" Brooke said tossing and turning

"Brooke Baby wake up" I said shaking her

Then she finally woke up and started bust out crying. I sit down on her bed and hug her in comfort as she lay her head on my chest. After a few minutes of her crying then us just hugging in silence. She said something

"Thanks" Brooke said

"For what" I said

"You being here right now when I need you the most" Brooke said

"Mama's I always be here for you. Even though we not together anymore. You still my babygirl in my eyes" I said while kissing her forehead

"Aww" Brooke said wiping her tears

"But Andre told me what happened. And I need to see proof" I said

Brooke got up from her bed and went to her dresser to grab her phone off the charger. Then she handed me her phone and showed me the text messages and social media posts. An of course I was heated like how he will say some shit about Brooke. She the sweetest person I know.

"This nigga going to have a bullet in his head I swear" I said while getting up pissed off

"There one more thing..... The note" Brooke said while handing me the note

I read the note getting more mad at the fact that this nigga think he can REALLY do this but me and my niggas got something for his ass tomorrow BET....

"Are you ok" Brooke said looking into my eyes but the only thing I see in hers is fear

"No I'm not Brooke. I'm mad that Marcus think he can really do shit like this and get away with it" I said calming down a little but I'm still heated

"Well I know y'all going to handle that. Right?" Brooke said

"Yes ma we going to handle it" I said

"Okay good" Brooke said

"I love you" I said

"I love you too big head" Brooke said smiling

*Play song

I couldn't take it anymore. All the pin up feelings I had for Brooke was coming out and I just wanted to have her all for myself again. I wanted to fuck the shit out of her BADLY. So I walked closer to her grab her by her waist and look at her beautiful brown eyes and kissed her. A moan escape from Brooke lips when my hands grab a handful of her ass.

"I want you now" I said in between kisses

Our kiss deepen then I pick her up and throw her on the bed. Ripe all her clothes off. I started to kiss on her neck while she took my shirt off and unbuckle my pants. Then I started to suck on her nipples in circular motion and move my hand down and start rubbing her clit.

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