Prom Day

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Maya POV
I'm feeling in love with Brooke and I know it wrong because my cousin wants her back.  My cousin plan for me was to fall in love with Priest and not Brooke but hey I couldn't resist a beautiful girl like that. However for now on I have to stick with the plan Marcus and I plan for them and erase all the feelings I have for Brooke. Because Brooke and Priest owes me for what they did to my family.

Kendra POV
Today is prom day. I'm so excited and I know y'all wondering who my date is and that person is Micha of course. Brooke and I will reveal our dresses later on the chapter but keep on reading.

Brooke and I are at our favorite nail salon getting our usuals pedicures and manicures. While getting treated like a queen I get a called from my baby daddy/future husband.

Start of conversation
K: hey baby
M: hey beautiful where y'all at
K: the nails salon getting treated like queens
M: ok well I have everything ready for tonight
K: even the hotel room (I said seductively)
M: yes baby I have the hotel also
K: ok good I can't wait
M: I can't wait either so you better prepared for tonight because we going round after round
K: ouu stop it because you know I been missing him lately
M: he been missing you to baby (smirking)
K: baby they almost done with us so I talk to you later love you
M: love you too mamas and check your account daddy put some money in there for you
End of conversation
After I got off the phone with Micha. I check my account and I  see he put about 10 thousand dollars in there. I told him I was going to prom not planning our wedding. An with me and Micha being with each other for about 2 years he finally told me what he do. He sell drugs and guns and kill people for the biggest drug lord in Bluewater, New Jersey. I wasn't surprised because how the hell he have all that money and lives in the the type of house he have and drives that type of cars he drive. Plus when we always go on dates he take me to the some expensive places in town so it was obvious.

Alex POV
Prom day had finally arrived for us. I can't wait to get lit with the crew and pretty boy. Tonight is the night that I officially show the world that I'm gay and Dontae and I our talking and working our way to a relationship. I already told my homeboy Levi about my sexually preference in gender and he was response was just the one I wanted. He said that we are still homeboys and I don't care who you like and it's your life and you live it how you want it and I'm always here for you if you need me.

Dontae POV
(Picture in the mm)
Yess Prom day is here and I'm coming to slay with my best bitches Kendra and Brooke. But I'm kind of nervous because Alex and I talked about finally showing the world who we are and I'm just wondering how the people will react to us. Especially for Alex because he is one of the popular boys in the school and he plays football. So I'm basically worried, nervous and sacred for the both of us. But deep down inside I know Kendra and Brooke be right by my side guiding me through it. Wish us luck y'all.

Levi POV
I have everything cover for prom. I can't wait to have a good time with my girl and the crew because trust me I need it. Alex and I our picking up our suits that we already had measured to our size. While waiting for the store owner to bring our stuff I feel someone staring at me and when I look back behind no one was there. I'm probably just getting a little Paranoid lately. After we left from the shop Alex and I parted ways. I went back and chill until it's time to get ready for prom.

Later that day/night

Brooke POV
Prom starts @6pm and right now it's 3 o'clock. I already have my toes, nails, and hair silk press. The only appointment I have left is my makeup. The makeup artist is going to come to my house at 5 o'clock because like who show up early to prom. I decided I'm going to show up a little late so they can be some people in there before I get there you know. So your girl can make a statement. But as of right know I heading to my wax appointment and then I going home to take a shower and then packed my bag because I'm not coming home after prom. Levi and I have a hotel booked for us anyway.

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