Lets Try Again

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Marcus POV
I been holding on to this flash drive for the longest. I'm debating if I should show her or not. If I don't then she won't see how terrible of a boyfriend she have and she won't crawl back to me but yesterday when I seen the water running down her body, the way she let out the sweetest moan to my touch and can't forget the way she kissed me so softly. I know she still have feelings for me.

"Hey how you feeling" I said walking into the room

Brooke was laying on the bed eating a bowl of fruit while watch Bob Burgers on Tv.

"I'm doing much better since my cycle went off this morning" Brooke said while popping a grape in her mouth

Yess I can finally make my move on her after she watch this video

"Ok while I have to show you something" I said plugging in the flash drive into the Tv

"Show me what" Brooke said while moving to the edge of the bed

"Well I'm about to show you how your man is a cheating bastard" I said with the video on the screen and the only thing I have to do is press play

"Um ok" Brooke said looking confused

I press play on the video and watch her face expression the whole entire time. She look disgusted. Then when it was almost over I stop it and she just sat in silence.

"Wow you really want me that bad huh" Brooke said while still looking at the tv

I didn't expect her to say that

"Yes Brooke I want you that bad. I did all of this for us baby" I said walking in front of her and getting on my knees

"Well we should go celebrate. Where the liquor" Brooke said wiping the tears running down her face and showing me the chains so I can unlock them

I unlock the chains and carry her bridal style downstairs. When we got to the kitchen I put her down while I grab the liquor and she grab the glasses. We walked in the living room and sat on the couch and open the bottle and start drinking.

Umm she finally coming around

"What are we toasting too" I said while the holding glass and look into her beautiful brown eyes

Brooke POV
"To us and our future" I said while clinking our glass together and watching a smile appeared on his face

Yess this is all apart of my new plan. First I'm going to act like I'm coming around more and realized that he is the only man that I need in my life. Second get him really drunk and then find something to hit him on the side of the head. To make him go unconscious and then ESCAPE THIS MOTHER FUCKER

"You are finally coming around and I like it" Marcus said while kissing my forehead

"I like too and I finally realized that I should been with you understand of Levi, Quan, and definitely Priest" I said while messing with his mind

"Right I don't even know why you even slept with them niggas and you got me right here baby" Marcus said while fixing him another drink and rubbing my thigh

"Yup your are so right...so when are we leaving to start our new life" I said acting like I'm interested

"We will leave after my mom fundraiser event tomorrow night" Marcus said while drinking the whole glass and fixing another while I'm still on my first one

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