Take A Break

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Levi POV
I woke up with Brooke not right by my side. So I got up and went to the bathroom and there she was looking all beautiful.

"Morning baby" I said grabbing her waist and kissing her cheek

"Morning bae" Brooke said backing up a little

"Why you push me away" I said sucking my teeth

"Because Bae your breath is kicking" Brooke said while taking off her clothes to get in the shower

"Ha you got jokes now" I said mugging her

"That wasn't a joke I was serious. So grab that tooth brush and tooth paste because they calling your name baby" Brooke said laughing

"I'm going to let you slide on that one" I said starting my daily routine

After I finish my daily routine I got in the shower with Brooke and we both bathed each other and got out. We had put on our clothes and starting packing up our things so we can leave in a few hours from now. Well sitting down watching tv Brooke came in the bed and cuddling with me and I feel like she had wanted to say something so I beat her to the punch.

"What's wrong B" I said rubbing her thighs back and forth

"Ok before we leave this room I want to clear the air between us" Brooke said not looking at me

"What you mean clear the air I thought we was good B" I said getting mad

"We are good but there was one other thing I was keeping away from you" Brooke said playing with her fingers

"And what is that Brooke" I said trying to calm myself down

" I had sex with my ex while we were together" Brooke said pretty fast but I could still understand what she was saying

"WHAT YOU HAD SEX WITH PRIEST" I said pushing her off me and pacing back and forth in the room

"Yes and after I told him this had to stop because I told him I care for you too much and I didn't want to hurt you anymore than I already did.... baby I'm sorry" Brooke said starting to cry

"TELL ME HOW DID IT LEAD TO YALL FUCKING. please explain it to me Brooke" I said making sure she looking at me

"I was having a bad dream and before it got to worse he came in my room and woke me up. When I did I start crying and he was there for comfort and we start talking. Then one thing lead to another" Brooke said wiping the tears that was falling down

"Wow I would expect this from me but you. I'm just disappointed in you" I said running my hands down my face.

"I know and I will say I'm sorry a million times. And go back in time to change what happen but I know I can't" Brooke said getting up and walking towards me

"Yeah I know but I just need sometime to think" I said not looking at her

"Of course baby I give you sometime to think but our we good now" Brooke said wrapping her arms around my waist

"Right now no but we should take a short break from each other." I said wrapping my arms around her waist

She just nodded her hand with sadness in her eyes

"You still my girl and that pussy still mine but we need a break. Ok baby" I said lifting her face with my two fingers so her attention is on me and pecking her lips

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