The Results

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Narrator POV

All eyes were on Marcus and right now he was a dead man to everyone of them. Then Marcus spoke

"I don't know why all y'all looking at me like that like I did something wrong" Marcus said examining the room

"You know what we talking about. What was you doing threatening my sister" Andre said

"Nigga what you talking about" Marcus said confused

Then Micah reach in his back pocket, pull out his glock, and aim it at Marcus head.

"Don't act stupid. You heard what he said" Micah said while taking it off safety

"Chill bro you ain't about to kill this nigga. We just here for answers" Quan said signaling Micah to put his gun up and sit down

"Since you don't remember shit. We can bring her down here to refresh your memory then" Priest said

Priest went to go get Brooke. Then they came back downstairs. Marcus was happy to see her again but Brooke wasn't happy to see him.

"Brooke Baby what's going on." Marcus said

"Bitch don't call me baby. You know what you did. So don't act like we cool now" Brooke said while sitting right in front of him

Quan and Priest love to see that side of her they both thought. Then Brooke explained everything that he did and how it affect her.

"WTF were you thinking threatening my sister. Did you not think we were going to find out" Andre said

"You better be glad Uncle Rodney didn't find out because you would've already been dead" Micah said

"You didn't answer the question. Nigga is you scared" Quan said while noticing Marcus shaking a little

Andre, Micah, and Priest busted out in laughter. When they stopped laughing Marcus told them everything. How he had deep feelings for Brooke. How he felt when she said she was with another dude. That she is always going to his forever and she not comprehend with the program.

"You not the only one" Brooke said

"The Johnson family have that affect on a lot of people trust me. I still got hoes chasing me" Micah said

They all started laughing

"But don't do that shit again because next time I'm going to kill you" Andre said

"We all be coming for you then. So watch your back for now Marcus" Priest said while touching Brooke thigh  so he can noticed. That Brooke is still his.

Brooke look at Priest with that why you did that look but Priest didn't care. Because Brooke is still his together or not.

"You can leave now" Brooke said standing up

"Can I say one more thing" Marcus said

"What is it" Brooke said feeling sympathy for Marcus

"I'm sorry for the things I did. I hope we get back to were we use to be" Marcus said standing up and gathering his things

"Maybe... It just take time" Brooke said

"Alright your times up" Quan said signaling Marcus to leave now

Tammy POV

I'm looking at myself in the mirror. Wondering if I can really be pregnant. At this point I'm scared. Like how can I raise a child at my age. I mean I have two beautiful and well raised kids but for this child I'm much more older. How will Rodney response to me if I am pregnant. The only way to find out is to take this pregnancy test. I went to toilet and pee on the stick. After I put the cap back on it and wait for five minutes until the results appear.

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