Break Up/ I'm Sorry Sex

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Marcus POV
"So you got what I need" I said standing in the door way

"Well damn no hello or you can come in shit" Jackie said with her hands on her hip

I move out the doorway and let her in. She went in an sat down on the couch. While I lock the door and grab my laptop out of my room. After I went to sit on the couch with her.

"Here you go it's all there" Jackie said handing me a flash drive

I open the computer and login. I insert the flash drive and make sure she had what I need for sure.

"You going to watch the video" Jackie said looking concerned

"Yes because you forgot I'm paying you and you probably trying to trick me" I said giving her a side eye

I played the video and basically skimmed through the whole thing. I was making sure she was doing what I pay her to do.

"Oh ok it all there" I said getting up

I went back to my room to give her the cash.

"Thank you and it's all there right" Jackie said taking the money and walking her way to the door

"Yeah it all there" I said following her

We said our goodbyes and she left. After I order me some takeout and watch Netflix all night long. Now since I have this piece of evidence I can finally move on to the next part of my plan to get "My girl"  back.

The next day

Brooke POV

As y'all guys know I will have a baby brother soon. OMG how excited I am to have another boy in the family. Yes I'm sounding every sarcastic. However I texted Levi last night and told him we need to talk. An what about to tell him is hopefully a relief for the both of us and this relationship.

"Hey you wanted to talk" Levi said sitting in the chair next to me on the balcony

"Yes these past couples of days I been thinking and I know you have too." I said looking at him

"So where are you getting at"  Levi said looking at the view of my backyard

"Are you breaking up with me B" Levi continues to say

"Yes it's best for the best of us. Plus we can go back as friends I meant besties" I said playing with my fingers

"I mean if it best then yes we can go back as best friends" Levi said looking into my eyes while his hand landed on my thigh

"Ok good" I said giving off a small smile

"But I will miss all the times we used to seek around school to have sex, I will miss you moaning my name while I deep inside of you and how you rolled your eyes back and bite your bottom lip when you about to cum. I will miss all the times you show off your pretty smile and laugh at my corny jokes. An I will definitely miss the way you ride my dick and the way how both of your lips taste and feel against mine" Levi said licking his lips and giving off a devilish look

At this moment I was hot and bothered. An I wanted to rip off his clothes and feel him inside of me one more time.

"Damn (clears throat) sweetheart we just breaking up. You talking like you about to go overseas and fight a war" I said clenching my legs together while his hand move from my thigh to my waist

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