First Day Pt.2

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Maurice POV

**Mr.Ryan went to his desk and Lani turned to me.**

Maurice: Alright partner, what are some of your strengths as a writer?

Lani: One of my strengths as a writer is my ability to visualize my story before I put it on paper. It's like I know where my story is going and what I want to happen at what time without even writing my first word. My creativity is another strength I have when writing. I write books and I can come up with some good wild stuff just being creative and making stuff up as I go. I love it.

*She smiled and pointed to me while she kicked her short legs*

Lani: What are some of your strengths?

Maurice: One of my strengths would also have to be creativity. I can see the whole book before I write the shit.. oops.

**Lani giggled and Mr.Ryan didn't say anything.**

Mr.Ryan: You good. Express yourself as freely as possible. Just don't ova do it.

**I nodded at him turned my attention back Kelani**

Kelani POV

**We had 5 minutes left in class. Mr.Ryan stood up.**

Mr.Ryan: Alrighty. If you're in my poetry class stay where you are. If not, you have your assignment. Tomorrow I need y'all to bring in a piece of your personal writing material that has a meaning to you or that you value. Also, I will be picking a Teachers Assistant at the end of the week to help me out for the semester. You're dismissed. .

**More than half the class got up and left. I looked over and Maurice ass was still here.  There was 20 minutes before class started again. I told my instructor I was gonna run to my car. I sat in the car with the windows cracked smoking a wood August had rolled for me the night before. I called him.**

|FaceTime Call|

August: Baby I was just texting you, that's crazy.

Kelani: *laughs* I got like 15 minutes before my next class start. I can't wait til I get in the swing of this.

August: How is it?

Kelani: Good. Already have an assignment due Friday so I gotta get working on that today. My instructor seems like he'll be cool as fuck though. He young. I think he said 27 or something like that.

August: Alright well I'm headed out for a meeting baby. I'll see you later on.

Kelani: I love you good luck.

August: I love you more babygirl.

**I hung up with August and quickly made my way back to class. When I got in, there were only like 10 people in there**

Kelani: Is this everyone Mr.Ryan?

Mr.Ryan: Yeah it is. Not many people take this class. We'll make it work. Small groups are sometimes a good thing. I always get a small group in my poetry class.

Kelani: Ohh okay.

**He stood up and and leaned on the front of his desk. He rolled his sleeves up . Just as I thought, Mr.Ryan was tatted like a Mexican. I chuckled to myself for being right.**

Mr.Ryan: Okay, so everyone remaining was in the last class so no need to introduce ourselves again. Instructions in the email I sent you said to do what on the first day ?

Kelani: Bring a piece of poetry that we wrote ourselves that means something to us.

Mr.Ryan: Bingo. Thanks Lani.

**Yep. First official Teacher crush. The way Mr.Clark just said my name. I laughed to myself thinking of what August would say when I told him. He'd probably try to come sit in on my class**

Mr.Ryan: Take out your pieces of writing.

**Everyone took out there papers.**

Mr.Ryan: Lani, come stand in front of the class..

**I got up and stood in front of my peers. I wasn't nervous or anything cuz I was high. Mr.Ryan stood off to the side and told me to read and then explain my piece**

Kelani: My poem doesn't have a title....
Heaven got a new angel today.
You finally got your wings.
There is pain in you leaving
But joy in knowing you're safe now
No more pain
No more suffering
No more hurting
No more worrying
You're free now.
In the sky watching over my every move.
I got a new Guardian angel today
You finally got your wings...

**The class snapped as i blinked my tears away before they fell**

Kelani: I wrote this poem the morning my daddy died. It's an amateur piece but it was what I felt at the time ... I just wrong it down, didn't think about word play or none of that.

**Mr.Ryan patted my back**

Mr.Ryan: I'm sorry about your dad. Good job sweetheart.

**I nodded and sat down. The other people shared and before I knew it it was time for my skills and techniques class. Good thing I only have to take this one on Monday. So the rest of the week I just have the two classes with Mr.Ryan. After school was over I walked to my truck**

Maurice: Hey!

Kelani: Yeah?

Maurice: I was just thinking.... Imma need some help with this essay.

*I chuckled at Maurice's statement*

Kelani: Really?

Maurice: yep, and I was wondering if you'd give me your number so I can call you when I start it.

Kelani: I do have a boyfriend...

Maurice: Girl I asked you for help with an essay, not to go on no date.

**He grinned because he was trynna make me seem crazy. I laughed.**

Kelani: STRICTLY for school purposes.

**I held out my hand and rolled my eyes as he put his phone in my hand, I put my number in his phone and handed it back to him.**

Maurice: Aight, maybe we can meet here at the library tomorrow after class..

Kelani: Yeah that sounds straight to me. I'm gonna start planning mine tonight so you to the same.

Maurice: Fasho .

**He walked away and I got in my truck. It was like almost 5 so I called Cali to see what she was doing**

•Facetime call•

Cali: Hey girl

Kelani: Hey what you doing? You in the car ?

Cali: Yeah, leaving the gas station.

Kelani: You wanna come over and chill while i start this essay ?

Cali: Yeah boo, send me your address again cuz my ass got lost last time.

Kelani: *laughing* where's the baby?

**Cali has a 3 month old son named Jamar.**

Cali: With his daddy.

Kelani: Alright, I'm bouta stop at In N' Out you want something ?

Cali: No boo I just ate.

Kelani: Okay .. I'll see you in a little bit. I'm bouta send you my address.

Cali: Okay mama.

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