Chapter 3: Lilly

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I heard a loud knock on my dressing room door before Rory came in. 

"Lilly, you're not dressed yet?" She snapped. "You're getting married in two hours! Put your dress on!"

"Rory I don't know if I can do this," I said nervously. 

"Do what?" She asked. 

"Get married!" I said. Rory grabbed my arms and looked at me.

"Lilly, listen to me," she said. "You can do this. You love Roger. You've been engaged for two years and you're going to get married and it'll be great!"

"But what if something goes wrong?" I asked her. 

"We planned everything perfectly," Rory said. "The flowers are here, the food is delicious, Lucy and Rami flew in three days early so they'll definitely make it, and not even your niece has a stain or tear in their dress. What could go wrong?" I suddenly realized Rory jinxed us when I saw him walk in. My father.

"That," I said pointing to him. "That's what can go wrong." Rory turned around to see my dad at the door.

"Lilly," he said. "I have a bone to pick with you. Why wasn't I invited to your wedding?"

"Are you fucking serious?" Rory snapped. "Your daughter is a grown woman who is supposed to be having the happiest day of her life and you're still getting angry with her for your own selfish reasons. That's why you weren't invited!" 

"You stay out of this!" He yelled at Rory.

"I will not!" She said. 

"I'm going to talk to Faith about getting a seat," he said. "I'll be right back."

"This is a bad sign," I said. "The universe sent him her to tell me I shouldn't go through with this!" 

"Lilly that's not true!" Rory said.

"Yes, it is," I said. "There are so many problems with this wedding! We're too young, I'm lying to some of my family members about my sex life, there are lilies in the flower arrangements, which is tacky because it's my name, and I don't even like my dress!"

"Ok several things," Rory said. "You're not too young, your sex life is honestly none of your family's business, the lilies are cute, not tacky, and you look beautiful in your dress!"

"It's not the dress I wanted to wear," I said. "I wanted to wear my mother's dress."

"You still can," Faith said suddenly from the door.

"Faith," I said coldly. "Where did you end up seating our father?"

"On a plane back to Boston," she said bluntly. My eyes widened as I was taken aback by her words. 

"You sent him home?" I asked.

"I wanted to give him a chance," she said. "But the way he talks about you is just... he still doesn't seem to realize that he is the problem. So he doesn't deserve to be here."

"Faith," I said softly. "That was really nice of you."

"I have another surprise too," she said. She walked in and revealed a box she was hiding behind her back. She opened it up and showed me my mother's wedding dress.

"Oh my God," I said. "It's beautiful! Will it fit me?"

"Of course it will!" Faith said. "Mom was the same size you are when she got married. You two are practically the same person. Go put it on!" Rory helped me get the dress on behind the privacy screen and I heard all my other bridesmaids come in. I walked out to show them and they all gasped and smiled.

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