Chapter 9: Joe

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Lilly and Roger announced their pregnancy to us soon after their first doctor's appointment. It turned out Lilly was already eight weeks pregnant and she had just waited to take her pregnancy test. We were all happy for her and Roger, who seemed very excited about their growing family. Everyone was happy for Rory too, but I couldn't help feeling like she was hiding something from us. Her excitement about her pregnancy seemed diluted by something else. Lilly told me I was paranoid, but I knew I wasn't. There was something going on and I had to find out what it was.

Besides, investigating what was happening with Rory would keep my mind off Ben. Ever since I rejected his impromptu marriage proposal, we've been having problems. I tried to explain to him that I just wasn't ready to get married, but all he understood was the fact that I embarrassed him in front of all of our friends and I said no to him. I was hoping it would blow over, but at this point, I just needed a distraction.

I went over to Rory's house one morning and I was about to go to her door when I saw her walking out to her car.

"Rory!" I said, stopping her.

"Oh hi Joe," she said nervously. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to get breakfast," I said. "We haven't hung out in a while."

"Wouldn't you rather get breakfast with your boyfriend?" Rory asked. "Rather than your ex-girlfriend?"

"Ben had practice early," I said. Ben played soccer for a pro team. He was really good and he was actually getting pretty famous, which was impressive, especially for a player in the United States. Soccer wasn't that big in America. "Besides, we've been having problems lately," I continued.

"Oh right," Rory said. "The marriage proposal thing. Well, I can't get breakfast anyway. I have... rehearsal."

"No you don't," I said. "Freddie was so excited for Lilly he wanted to take her baby shopping immediately so they left this morning, and Winter is in Boston this week visiting her mom. She left last night. Are you rehearsing with just Ella?"

"I could be," she said. "She plays bass guitar and I play lead guitar. We need... guitar practice."

"With no drums or vocals?" I asked. "Rory, what's really going on here?"

"Nothing ok!" She snapped suddenly. "Look I just have things to do!" She tried to walk past me, but I stopped her again.

"I know something is bothering you!" I said. "You've been off ever since you found out about the baby! So what is it? Are you worried about doing this alone, because we'll all be here for you!"

"I'm not worried about that," she said. "I can handle it. I'm more worried that there may not be anything to handle." She mumbled the last part and I gave her a confused look.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her. "You already know you're pregnant. It's unlikely you'll lose the baby." Rory sighed and looked at me.

"It's pretty likely that I'll lose the baby," she said. "Considering I have cancer." I just stared at her for a second and she scoffed. "I have a doctor's appointment," she said as she walked by me.

"Wait, Rory," I said. "You can't just tell me you have cancer and then leave! When did you find out about this?" Rory sighed again and said,

"When I found out I was pregnant. She had done a blood test and found out I have leukemia."

"Rory I'm so sorry," I said.

"I can handle it," she said. "I have to go."

"Wait, are you going to the oncologist right now?" I asked her.

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