Chapter 50: Lilly (Final Chapter)

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*5 months later*

The rest of Spring and the Summer were pretty uneventful. Gwilym and Ella told us they decided to foster a child and eventually adopt them, but the process was taking longer than they expected. We hadn't seen John and Veronica in a while. They were busy with their two little ones and we were pretty sure they were planning on having another. Freddie and Jim and Brian and Anita were living in their childless bliss, while Rory, Ben and Joe were loving life with baby Jack. They were actually really amazing co-parents. Once Jack came along, all their energy was focused on him and there was much less fighting than I had expected. 

Today was the first day in a while we were all getting together. It was Everly and Audrey's first birthday so Roger and I were throwing them a party. The girls were napping while I put up decorations and Roger went to get the cake. I was standing in the kitchen when I heard the front door open.

"Babe, I got the cake," I heard Roger call. I smiled as he came into the kitchen.

"How does it look?" I asked. He put the box down on the counter and opened it for me. "It's perfect," I cooed. "Is the food all set?"

"Freddie is picking it up," Roger said. 

"And Ella was ok with picking up their gifts?" I asked.

"Yes," he said. "All set."

"And did-"

"Lilly," Roger interrupted me. "Everything is all set. Don't worry, it's going to be great!"

"Alright," I said. "I just want it to go perfectly. It's their first birthday and their our first two children. It's already hard enough that they have to share a birthday."

"Babe, they won't even remember this birthday," Roger said. "When they're old enough to remember their birthday, we can try to separate them." I rolled my eyes, but I knew he was right. They won't remember this. Still I wanted it to be perfect. 

Everyone started arriving not long after that. Once the girls woke up from their nap, I dressed them up and brought them into the living room so we could celebrate together. Despite my worries, the party was wonderful. We all helped the girls open their presents and they tried their cakes. Everly loved the frosting, but Audrey wasn't a big fan. I guess she didn't get my sweet tooth. We all hung out for a while after, just eating and talking.

"Oh," Freddie said suddenly after a short moment of silence. "I forgot to tell you darlings; Winter and I have an announcement!"

"Freddie we all know you're both gay," Ben joked. "You don't have to come out to us again."

"Well we ever have to, we'll just do it the way you did," Winter snapped back. "By fucking our best friends and then failing at hiding it from everyone." Freddie laughed as Ben rolled his eyes. 

"What was your announcement?" I asked.

"Oh right," Freddie said. "So Winter and I have been talking and we decided we both really miss performing. So we thought it would be fun if Queen and Venus went on tour together."

"That sounds fun Freddie," I said. "But I don't know if it's possible right now."

"I think it could be," Roger said. "The twins are a year old. We could go next summer for just a short tour in June and the twins will already be almost two. That'll give us plenty of time to plan and find a proper nanny for the road."

"It's not just about us Roger," I said. "What about everyone else's commitments?"

"Actually, I think I could do it," Rory said. "Jack will be over a year by then and he's got two daddies who can take care of him while I'm gone."

"We could even come with you and maybe come to a show one night while Lilly and Roger's nanny watches Jack, if they don't mind," Joe added. Ben nodded in agreement. 

"John can do it too," Veronica said. "I have a good system down for our two little ones. I can handle it alone for three months."

"I have no obligations," Brian said. "But I don't know if I want to leave Anita alone for that long."

"Oh you won't, love," Anita said. "I'm coming with you. I've always wanted to go on tour. It sounds so exciting!" 

"Sounds good to me then," Brian said. 

"Well what about Ella?" I asked. "Aren't you guys busy with all the foster stuff? It could take a while to get a kid and you can't just leave the kid alone with Gwilym. They have to get to know both of you."

"Actually," Ella said. "It might not be as long as you think. We have a meeting tomorrow. They found a child who needs a home and they want us to meet them."

"If we decide to take them in, they can come leave with us within the next week," Gwilym said. "We're pretty confident we can get them adjusted enough to take them on tour with us by the summer." 

"That's so wonderful!" Jim said happily. 

"So, I guess we're all good with this," Winter said.

"As long as Lilly is," Rory said. I paused for a second as they look at me.

"Alright," I said. "I guess we're planning a tour."

And just like that, the next chapter of our lives was about to begin. We didn't know where the future would take us, but we knew no matter what, we would always have each other. 

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