Chapter 33: Lilly

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Roger got out of bed in the morning while I was staring at my stomach in the mirror. He sighed and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my head.

"Stop torturing yourself, baby," he said softly. "You look beautiful."

"I'm a whale," I said sadly. "I want these babies out of me so I can start working on getting my body back!" Roger chuckled softly.

"Your body is always sexy baby," Roger said.

"You're a terrible liar," I said. "But I still love you." Roger laughed softly.

"We should get dressed," I continued. "Everyone is coming over. Apparently, Rory, Joe and Ben have some big news."

"All three of them?" Roger asked. "I wonder what it is. Did they say what it involves?"

"No," I said. "But I didn't ask. When Rory called me I was at the convenience store-"

"Buying Pop tarts and Cheetos?" Roger interrupted.

"And gatorade," I said quietly. Roger chuckled and walked towards our closet to find some clothes.

"Why do we always have these big meetings at our house?" Roger asked. "Rory's house is just as big and she's not in the middle of renovating a nursery."

"Yeah," I said. "It's not like she'll be doing that anytime soon."

"Exactly!" Roger added. "So why can't we do it at her house? Or Joe and Ben's for that matter?"

"I don't know," I said. "Maybe we'll make the next meeting at someone else's house, but everyone is already coming over here, including Lucy and Rami. They're back for the summer because Lucy's filming a movie here."

"Alright," Roger said with a sigh. "I'll get dressed."

After we were both dressed, we went downstairs and saw everyone sitting in the living room.

"How did you all get in here?" I asked them.

"Brian has a key, darling," Freddie said.

"I'm aware," I said. "But I gave Brian that key for emergencies only because I trust him."

"The emergency was that all of these people would not stop whining until I let them in," Brian said. I chuckled softly and we suddenly heard a knock on the door. Roger opened it and Rory, Joe and Ben walked in.

"Oh good, you're here," Freddie said eagerly. "What's your news?"

"Ok," Rory said. "Everyone, sit down. This is pretty big." We all found places to sit and Joe took a deep breath.

"Alright," he said. "I'll just come right out with it. We're going to have a baby."

"You and Ben?" Lucy asked. "That's wonderful!"

"Yes," Ben said. "Joe and I... and Rory." We all looked at them confused for a second.

"Oh I understand," Brian spoke up. "You and Joe want to have a baby so your going to mix your sperm with an egg from an anonymous donor and Rory's going to be your surrogate."

"No," Rory said. "The baby will be mine as well."

"So you're having a baby with Joe?" I asked Rory. "Doesn't that leave Ben out?"

"All three of us are having a baby," Rory said.

"I'm confused," Anita said. "Isn't that impossible?"

"Technically yes," Rory said.

"I can explain," Joe said. "Rory wanted to have a baby and she wanted me to be the father, but Ben didn't want the first baby I fathered to be one that wasn't ours, so we came up with a compromise. Ben and I are going to mix our sperm together and combine it with Rory's egg. Only one of us will be the biological father, but we won't know which one of us it will be, so we're all going to raise the baby together." We all just stared at them for a few minutes too long.

"Somebody say something!" Rory finally blurted out.

"This feels... odd," John said. "This baby is going to have three parents?"

"I'm more concerned about the fact that it's you three," I said. "You don't all exactly get along."

"That was only because Joe and I used to be a thing," Rory said. "We're over all that nonsense."

"Well I'm against this," Winter said. "There's already enough babies around here. Besides, if you get pregnant right now, in about eight months you'll be walking around looking like Lilly." I glared at Winter.

"I'm only six months pregnant," I said. "And I'm carrying twins, leave me alone!"

"Ok," Joe said. "So, so far it seems like three of you are against this. Is anybody ok with this?"

"I think it's great," Lucy said. "It's very modern."

"I suppose that's true," Brian said.

"Look we don't really need any of your approval to do this," Rory said. "But we would like your support." We all thought for a minute.

"I can support this," I said. "But I still think it's a little weird." Roger, John and Brian nodded in agreement.

"I don't like kids," Winter said. "So I'll support you as much as I support Veronica and Lilly."

"I never thought it was a bad thing," Lucy said.

"And I never care what any of you do as long as nobody gets hurt," Ella said. "You three will make fine parents. Who cares how you go about it?"

"You make a good point, love," said Gwilym.

"Thank you, baby," Ella said as he left a small kiss on her cheek. The rest of us nodded in agreement and Rory, Joe and Ben smiled.

"Thank you," Rory said. "I really appreciate that. We'll keep you all posted on what's going on." The three of them left and we all looked at each other.

"You're actually supportive of this?" Winter asked Ella.

"Why not?" Ella said. "It's 2019. What they want to do is not that farfetched. Plus, that baby's going to have three loving parents."

"She makes a fair point," Lucy said.

"We don't all have to completely alright with it right now," Brian said. "Even if Rory was pregnant already, we would have nine months to get used to it. Chances are we'll have at least a year. Let's just give it time." We all nodded in agreement. I'lll get used to this eventually. I'm sure everyone else will too.

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