Chapter 39: Lucy

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"Are you sure Lilly will be alright with us coming over?" Rami asked me as we walked to the front door. "Everly and Audrey are not even a month old. They're probably exhausted."

"I already talked to Lilly," I said. "I thought the same thing you do, but she was so excited that we were back in town that she insisted we come over. It will be so nice to see the babies!"

"It will," Rami said. I smiled and rang the doorbell. Lilly answered with a smile, but she looked like she had been running around like crazy.

"Hi," she said happily. "I'm so glad you're here!"

"Are you alright?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah," she said. "Roger and I have just been cleaning and feeding the twins and cleaning and changing diapers and cleaning some more. It's been quite an exciting day. Please come in!"

"You didn't have to clean for us," I said as I walked inside.

"Oh believe me, it wasn't for you," Roger said. "You cannot imagine how messy the house gets when you have two newborns."

"Do you two want anything to drink?" Lilly asked us.

"Oh no thank you," Rami said. "We just came to see the babies. Where are they?"

"They're just waking up from their nap," Roger said with a light chuckle. "We'll go get them." Lilly and Roger walked upstairs and came down a few minutes later with the babies. They were adorable. Roger and Lilly had them dressed in matching dresses, one pink and one purple, and little flower headbands. They were so tiny and they could not even hold their own heads up yet. Rami and I were each holding one of them in our arms while Lilly and Roger told us all the cute things they were doing. While we were there, Rami was completely focused on the babies, but all I could focus on was Lilly and Roger. They both looked exhausted, and they were running around the whole time, trying to keep up with the twins schedules and keeping the house clean. I talked to Roger for a while while Lilly was on the couch with Rami tending to the twins.

"The babies are just lovely," I told him. "How are you and Lilly?"

"We're really good," Roger said. "I'll be honest though, it hasn't all been easy. In fact, when we came home from the hospital we got into an argument that started as soon as we pulled into the driveway, but we're alright. We're happy." I smiled and nodded, although I didn't completely believe him. By the time we left, I felt like we had overstayed our welcome, while Rami seemed like he could have stayed forever.

"Those two were just adorable," Rami said as we got back to our hotel room.

"They really were," I said. Rami sighed softly and looked out the window.

"I want one," he said.

"One what?" I asked him.

"A baby," he said. "We should have one." I stared at him for a minute without saying anything.

"You're not serious, are you?" I asked him. "Rami we can't do that!"

"Why not?" Rami asked me. "We've been married for over a year and we've been together for an entire decade. We're clearly madly in love, we have plenty of money and we have a great support system with all of our friends."

"We don't even live in the same country as our friends," I said.

"We could," Rami said. "Let's move to LA. My mother is here and four of our friends have kids already. Soon seven of them will. Didn't you say Rory was pregnant?"

"I said I thought she was," I said. "I'm not sure, but that doesn't even matter. I don't want to leave London! We've made a life there and we work there! We can't just leave."

"So we'll do it in London," Rami said. "You and I can handle it!"

"Rami, I don't want kids!" I suddenly blurted out. Rami looked at me in shock.

"What do you mean you don't want kids?" Rami said. "You love kids, babies especially! You're always gushing over Audrey and Everly Taylor and Robert Deacon-"

"And Baby Deacon number two in a few months," I interrupted. Rami just looked at me. "Veronica's pregnant again," I said.

"What?" Rami said. "Robert's only ten months old!"

"I know," I said. "And she's already three months in. John just can't keep his hands off her."

"Hopefully it's not like that with Lilly and Roger," I said. "They could end up with twins again and have four kids under two."

"I don't think Lilly's going to let Roger touch her again," Lucy said. "Those two are exhausted."

"But they're happy," Rami said. "They're so happy! That could be us."

"No it couldn't," I said. "I don't want babies Rami. I love visiting babies and supporting my friends who have babies and being Auntie Lucy, but I don't want to be a mom. You're going to have to learn to live with it." I left the room before he could respond. I was not losing this fight.

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