The New Job

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Your name = (y/n)
Your last name = (y/l/n)
Your hair colour= (y/h/c)
Your eye colour= (y/e/c)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I was kind of anxious to start my new job today as a receptionist for such a high class business but I was kind of excited as my best friend Jessica was working there as well although today wasn't her first day. I got up put on some smart clothes and got into my car.

When I arrived I saw a woman run out of the building and she looked like she had been crying. I took a deep breath grabbed my handbag and got out the car and walked towards the building. There was a man stood there so I walked over to him and asked where to go. "Um yep good luck that room just there." He said pointing at a door. I nodded unsurely and walked over to the door, made sure my outfit was okay and then knocked on the door.

Venable's POV:

I had just sacked the young woman who was absolutely useless at her job I don't even know why they hired her. Luckily there was a new receptionist/ my kind of assistant starting today. I haven't met her fully but I had emailed her. I organised my desk and sat back down on my chair giving my feet a break. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. I walked over with my cane and opened the door. There was a young beautiful woman stood there with gorgeous (y/h/c) she had a smile but I could tell she was nervous. "Hi Im (y/n)
(y/l/n) I'm here for the new job of receptionist." She said extending her arm which I shook "Wilhelmina Venable but please call me Ms Venable." I said and she nodded "let's sit down."

Your POV:

When the door opened I saw a hot intimidating woman standing there looking at me. I put on a smile and extended my arm which she took and I introduced myself to her "Wilhelmina Venable but please call me Ms Venable." She said with a sexy raspy voice that made my body warm up I nodded "let's sit down." She said walking with a cane to her desk and sat down, I sat in the chair in front of her desk. She went through what my job would be and the times I would start and finish on the week days. "Also I'm not sure your aware or not but this job is part of being my mini assistant but don't worry it's only photo copying and stuff like that if that's alright?" She asked "yes that's completely fine Ms Venable." I replied and she nodded I hadn't really seen her properly smile yet. "So I'll just get someone to show you around also lunch is at 12." She said "thank you. I'm looking forward to work here by your side." I said trying not to sound to eager. She nodded "I'm here if you need me and please always knock." She said. I said thank you and stood up and walked out of her office and let out a breath I didn't know I had inside of me. I walked over to my new desk and set everything up and organised as much things as I could. I got myself logged onto the computer. I then heard a stick of sometime being hit against the floor getting closer. I looked into the direction it was coming from and saw Ms Venable. Why did she need a cane? She became closer and I got a bit warmer. "Miss (y/l/n) how are you settling in?" She asked me "quite well Thank you Ms Venable." I said and smiled which she did not "good, I need you to book a meeting for next week on Tuesday at 11:30 am with Mrs Morgan and Mr Taylor more details are in the email I sent you." She said in a more strict tone. "Yes of course. Anything else?" I asked she looked at her watch "no but once you e done that you can have lunch." She said slightly smiled and walked off.

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