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*Wilhelmina's POV*

It's been over an hour since Y/n left mine and she only lives around twenty minutes away and I was starting to get worried. I called her but it went to voicemail. I tried a agin but the same thing happened. I texted her:
Mina: Heyy are you me yet x
Mina: Please stay safe x
But I got no response.
*30 minutes later*
I still gotten not response form Y/n so I decided to go back to her house and see if she was there. I knocked on the door and within seconds the door open. To my surprise y/n's mother was there. "Is Y/n here?" I asked and a look of shock spread across her face. "No I thought she was with you." She said and I panicked "No she left mine about two hours ago she said she would text me when she got here." I said. "Oh God! What if something has happened." She said "is there a place when she might have gone to relax or something?" I asked she nodded "come on get in the car." She said as she grabbed her things and I followed her we got into her car and she drove to a forest. "Come on." She said getting out the car, she practically ran into the forest and I walked as quick as I could following her. The next thing I hear is the sound of her crying. " I cough up with her and she was bent down crying. I had tears in my eyes but I wiped them away before they could fall. "She doesn't deserve any of this. It's all my faults I'm a terrible parent." She cried as she stood up. "None of this is your fault and I'm sure your not a terrible mother Y/n is the most kind hearted person I've met." I said and she looked at me "I don't know what I would do with out her." She said. To be honest I felt the same I've only know her for days yet she makes me happy. "Let's just hope she come home soon if not we will go to the Police." I said she nodded and slowly made her way back to the car and I followed her.

Y/n's POV:

I woke up and my head heart so much. I winced and raised my hand to my head but I couldn't. I opened my eyes. I was strapped to a chair and only in my underwear. I saw two bruises on my both of my legs and saw nail marks on my arms. I looked around and saw darkness and in front of me was a door. I screamed and my voice was raspy. My mouth was dry. The door opened and I saw him. Max. My whole body became weak. "I see your finally awake." He said he came closer to me. "Hear you probably want a drink." He said holding a plastic cup. I looked at it and it looked like water. "Don't worry it's only water." He said I took a sip of it. It tasted weird so I didn't have the rest. But he took it and forced it down my throat. "Good girl." He said and smacked me on the back. "Why am I here?" I asked "because you lied to the police and said that I raped you and we both no that's not true. So I'm going to make you feel pain until your convinced that you wanted it to happen."

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