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Y/n's POV:

I went upstairs and got the plastic bag which had my clothes from last night in and cane back downstairs. "You ready?" Mina asked i nodded and we walked out the door. Venable's driver was already here. We got in the car. "Hey listen just so you know I'll be here for you what ever happens in there ok?" Mina proposed placing her hand on my knee and giving it a squeeze. "Thank you, it means a lot I said as I placed my hand over hers. Our hands stayed comfortably in the same position until we reached the police station. We got out of the car and started walking to the entrance. I took a couple of deep breaths then we went in. I walked up to the desk "how can I help you Madame." The man said "I was sexually attacked las night by a man." I said with a shaking voice. "Take a seat we will be with you as soon as possible." He said. We went to sat down. "Don't worry I know you can get through this." Mina said. I just nodded. "Miss?" A woman said I looked up and saw a middle aged woman extend her hand out to me which I shook. "Hi I'm y/n y/l/n." I said and he replied "I'm Natalie Atkins I'll be interviewing you and recording your statement if that's ok." She asked "I suppose." I nodded. " I have my clothes that I wore last night if you need them." I said as we walked into an interview room. "Ok thanks for bringing it in." She said we rented the room and sat down she started the recording and asked me what happened. "I was just about to leave the pub toilets last night as there was a work party. Next thing the guy I was introduced to earlier that night called Max came into the toilets. Pushed me against the wall and he forced him self on me." I said trying to act strong. "In which way?" She asked "he um raped me and left marks on my body." I said wiping away my tears that were running down my face.

We finished and I handed over my clothes to her. We then walked back out and I walked over to Mina who smiled at me cause g me to lightly smile. "So miss
(y/l/n) you can go home and we will be in charge we will arrest him and take him into questioning." She said "thank you." I replied and me and Mina walked out. "I'm proud of you." She said once we got in the car. I nodded "is it ok if I quickly go to my house then drop you back home?" She asked "yeah of course that's fine. I can go home by myself. I just want to go on a run really, it relaxes me." I say as she starts driving. "Only if your sure?" Mina asks "I am."
We pulled up to her house.

"Wow Mina your house looks great

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"Wow Mina your house looks great." I said. "Thanks." She reply's before we both got out of the car. She walked towards the door and opened it. Within seconds a King Charles spaniel puppy came running over to Mina and barked. "Hey there pup." She said in the most cutest voice in the world. "Millie this is y/n." She said I bent down and stroked the puppy. "Well your the cutest thing aren't you." I said sounding a bit like a baby. I heard Mina giggle I looked up to her and raised my eyebrow. "Your cute." She said, I could feel my cheeks burning. "I'm just going to feed her." She said and Millie started barking towards Mina. I giggled and Millie ran off. Mina took hold of my hand and guided me to her kitchen. She put dog food into Millies food bowl washed her hands and walked back over to me. "How long have you had her?" I asked "coming up to six months." Mina replied. I nodded. "Mina."
"Yes?" She replied
"Can you kiss me please?" I asked and with that she cupped my face with her hands and kissed me softly with her perfect plump lips. It was a soft yet passionate kiss. She then pulled away and smiled "how was that?" She asked "amazing." I breathed out. I then started to kiss her again but we were interrupted when Millie barked. I giggled and took Mina's hand. Millie barked again and jumped on Wilhelmina. "Do u need potty?" She asked and the dog barked again. Mina let go of my hand and then walked to the garden which was the other side of the kitchen she opened the door and Millie ran outside. I walked behind Venable and placed kisses on her neck. I felt goosebumps on her skin which made me smile. She turned around and wrapped her arms around me and placed our foreheads together. "I'll always be here for you no matter what y/n remember that ok?" She said in a soft and caring voice. "Thank you." I replied and pecked her lips.

*30 Minutes later*

I was wrapped up in Mina's arms and Millie was sat on her lap. I looked at the time in my phone and kissed Wilhelmina's cheek. "I'm gonna go now it's getting a bit late." I said. "Ok please be safe and call me as soon as you get home please honey." She said and then giving me a long kiss. I got up and kissed her on the forehead "I promise I'll call you when I get home."

I was jogging my way home. All my worries had left my mind and I just felt free for the first time in a while.
I felt something solid but my head causing me to a fall and all went black.

Hey guys I'm back get ready for some dramatic shit and some tuff Vennie.
G x

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