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"Don't worry Baby its me Mina."
I said I felt tears in my eyes. She was about half the size she was when she went. Her stomach was bruised. She looked up at me. She had tears running down her face. She dad had a black eye and scratch marks on her shoulders. "Don't worry I'm here." I said and she rested her head on my lap. I stroked her hair and kissed her head. I took of my coat and wrapped it around her fragile body to make her a bit warmer. People then came over. "Y/n we are going to get you out of here and two a hospital if that's alright." The man said. Y/n looked up at me "please don't leave me." She whispered, I nodded "I won't I promise." I said "come on try and stand up with me." I said she sat up. While I began to stand up. I held out my hand and helped her up. I put the coat on her properly and wrapped her arm around my neck. "You mother and sister are here." I said as we made our way out of the room. "I missed them...and you." She said, my heart ached. We came out the building and quickly her family ran over to her. "Darling." Christie said Y/n hugged her and then hugged her sister. "Sorry to ruin it but we do need to get y/n to a hospital. Same as before only one person can come with us." He said "Guys I love you but I don't want you guys feeling sad the whole way there so I think Wilhelmina should come with me." She said I was smiling inside but I didn't want to show it. "Of course if your choice." Melanie said. The said bye and me and Y/n made our way to the ambulance. She was lying on the bed and we started the drive the paramedic asked her questions and what hurt. When the paramedic touched her side. She winced and squeezed my hand. "Ok so when we get there we will do some X-rays." The woman said "um also I don't know if I said but he gave me pills and weird tasting water." Y/n said. How can someone so innocent have the worst happen to them. "We will do some blood tests as well then." She said and y/n nodded. We soon cane to a stop the door opened and Y/n was taken out. I followed them in and they went to a bed. The lifted her onto the bed.
Moments later Christie and Melanie came through the door. Y/n had changed into the hospital gown and had doctors coming over. "Baby girl your here." Christie said then planting a kiss on her forehead "what are they doing?" Melanie asked. "Their gonna take a blood test and take me for X-Rays." Y/n said. Then a doctor came over and said that they were ready for her. She sat down slowly on the wheel chair and they took her away.
About 15 minutes later they came back and They got y/n back on the bed. "Son now that we have done all the tests we are going to let you rest and come pack when we have all the results." The doctor said and then walks off. "I'm sorry for not going to the police with you." Christie said "it's not your fault what happened."
Y/n said.
The doctor came back and we all looked at him. "Luckily you haven't broken any ribs but they are just weak as the bruises around that area aren't helping so that will take maybe a two weeks for the bruising to go. But if treated correctly and enough rest your ribs should be stronger within a week. And in the blood test there was no major drugs but we did find Lunesta. Which headaches, how you only remover curtain bits and dizziness." The doctor said. "We can give you some antibiotics to help with the pain but not as much as we would usually give you if didn't have the drugs still inside you." He said "ok I get it." Y/n said. The doctor walked off again. "Mina you should probably go home I don't want to be why your back hurts if it starts too." she says. "Are you absolutely sure I can stay for longer." I said. "No don't worry go home you can come back tomorrow and say hi to Millie for me." She remembers Millie she couldn't be anymore perfect. "Ok I'll be back tomorrow I promise." I said and squeezed her hand. I walked out the room and a tear rolled down my eye.

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