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Warning: sensitive content,

Venable's POV:

I nodded unsure of what she might say. "Can I kiss you?" She said. I was taken aback by this. She wanted me too. I could only nod. The next thing I know is that her soft plump lips have been pressed up against me and I melted into the kiss. The kiss was hot yet caring at the same time with passion. She then slowly pulled away but was stood closer than before. "That was amazing." She said and I could feel myself blushing. "It really was." I said and we both smiled. "Our drinks have probably been taken." She said letting out a giggle which I found super cute. "I'm gonna go check that and check no one heard us." I said she nodded and I walked out of the toilets and over to the bar and of course our drinks were gone so I ordered some more.

Your POV:

I cleaned up my lipstick which was smudged not that I'm complaining as made sure I looked okay. As I was walking out, the door opened and I saw Max. "Max this is the woman's bathroom." I said pointing at the female sign. "Fun isn't it?" He questioned "what are you on about?" I asked but got no answer. "Ma" I was cut off by being pushed against the bathroom wall and his hand grabbed onto my wrists "let go of me." I said trying to brake free from him but it did no good. He crashed his lips against mine and one of his hands grabbed my breast and squeezed it. Making me let out of moan which wasn't of pleasure. He kissed me harder then I'm zipped his pants. I tried to push him away but it didn't work. He then started biting my neck and I kept telling him to stop. "He took my dress of which took him long as I kept hesitating but he then made it fall to the ground he then grabbed my arm and put himself inside me which hurt as I've never had a man do that to me. I then. Felt a tear roll down my cheek as he got faster making it more painful for me. He then finished and pulled himself together and was out of breath. He kissed me harshly again and bit my lip. "Until next time baby." He said and slapped my ass. He left the room and I broke down crying in pain. After about five minutes of crying and being in pain I managed to get my dress back on. I was a mess I had marks all on my there was already a bruise that I could feel on my neck and my thighs hurt so bad. I grabbed my phone which was on the side and called Mina.

Venable's POV:

It had been about 20 minutes and I was becoming more worried. My phone the went of and saw that (y/n) was calling me. "Hey where are you?" I asked once I answered "I'm in the bathroom." She said and he voice was full is sadness and worry. "Ok I'm just coming." I said before hanging up and made my way to the toilets. I open fed the door walked a few steps and saw (y/n) sat on the floor with her make up ruined and tears all down her face. "Honey what's the matter?" I said holding out my hand which she took and stood up. She didn't say any but just stood up and hugged me. I stroked her hair "it's okay let it all out. It's alright you have me." I said. After a while she stopped crying and pulled away. "Y/n how about we go back to yours and you tell me what happened. Is that alright?" I asked. "How will we get there?" She asked "I'll call my driver don't worry about that." I said and she nodded. I wiped the tears away from her cheeks. I got out my phone and called my driver. Within a couple of minute we walked as fast as y/n could out of the club and into the car. We got into the car and y/n sat closely to me and gave my driver her address. We then got out the car and walked into her house "I'm going to get changed do you want some clothes?" She asked I said yes. "Okay I'll be down in a minute. Make yourself comfortable." she said and went upstairs.
She came back downstairs in an oversized shirt and a pain of leggings with a pile of clothes in the hands. She walked over to me and passed me basically the same but a pair of shorts and leggings. "Do you want to talk about what happened now?" I said after saying thanks you and she nodded her head "so Um that guy Max came in the toilet a couple minutes after you left and kissed me. Then he... he." My heart already broke for her  I pulled her into a hug "you don't  need to say it yet." I said and she started crying. I hated the fact that someone mad her feel this way. She then pulled away "can you stay with me tonight please I don't want to be alone?" She asked and I'm not going to lie i has a bit of excitement in me. "Of course I will I'll go get changed then we can go to sleep." I said she nodded and started walking up the stairs.
I got changed went upstairs and went into which I guess is Y/n'a bedroom and slowly laid down next to her. "Mina?" I heard her say "yes?" I asked.
"Can you hold me please?" She asked and I happily turned around and wrapped one of my arms in between her arm and waist and she layed he head on my chest making me hold her closer. I kissed her on the head then we said good night to each other.

Plot twist!!
Please don't be mad as Tough Venable might be coming into the story soon. Always leave any suggestions you have. ❣️

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