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Y/n's POV:

I was getting ready for my date with Wilhelmina which was in half an hour I wore a pair of dark blue jeans and a black little lace top with a black suit jacket done up with two buttons over the top. I applied some light make up and red lipstick. I straightened my hair and put on some earrings. My phone was ringing so I went to answer it and is was Mina. "Hey I'm on my way now I'll be about five minutes." She said I could hear through the phone that she was calling me through her car. "Yeah ok I'm ready I'll see you in a bit." I said, she said goodbye and ended the call. I went into the kitchen to take the medicine I was told to take so I wasn't in pain for our date. I went on my phone until I heard the bell ring. I went to the door and opened it. I was shocked she looked so beautiful she was wearing a purple casual suit and a plain black top underneath. She then hugged me taking my thoughts of her body. "I missed you." She said as she pulled away "I missed you too but you saw me yesterday." I said smiling and she shrugged "well I missed you at work everybody there hates me." She said I looked into her eyes and she looked a bit sad. "I'll come back if you want me too." I said but she shook her head "no, no I want you fully recovered before you come back to work. No matter how long it takes." She said squeezing my hand "fine but I want to come back." I said it was true because I needed the money and to get out the house but also because I wanted to see Wilhelmina more and Jessica. "Maybe. Now come on let's go." She said I nodded and and we walked out my house hand in hand and into her car. "No work talk tonight deal." She said I nodded and agreed.
We soon came up to the restaurant. We got out the car and went in they Mina said we booked and we were soon sat down at a table. We ordered are food and drinks. "Y/n you look gorgeous tonight." Mina said my cheeks burned "thanks, you look gorgeous as well." I said and she smiled "um can we talk about us?" I asked looking at my hands "yeah of course what is it?" She asked "I... I um like you." I said fiddling with my hands until she put her her hands on mine and replied "I like you too y/n" she said and I looked up and she smiled "ok I mean I know we've kissed a couple of times but like I just wanted to say it." I said linking our fingers together "I get that, but I don't mind if you want to take things slow or not I'm ok with whatever you want." She said and I nodded "well I don't want to rush anything at the moment with what's going on with the case and stuff but I want to try this out." I said looking into her eyes and she nodded "so would I." She said and smiled "great." The food then came and we started to eat "how are things with your mom?" Mina asked I shrugged looking up from my plate "I don't know she hasn't spoken to me since she left when you were round." I said then continued eating. "But I don't really want to spoil dinner with all that." I said. "Ok that's understandable' Wilhelmina replied the we continued eating and chatting until we both finished. They took our plates away and left us. "So where do you want to go after this then?" She asked me. "Either yours or mine I don't mind." I replied "well I have work tomorrow so it would be easier if I go round yours." She said. I then had an idea in my head "how about we go to mine and I pick up some clothes for tomorrow and over night then we can go to yours and I can go into work." I said, I could see that she was thinking about it. "Alright, but your not properly working, we have hired a person to be the receptionist until you are definitely sure you want to come back. So how about instead you stay in my office for most of the day and help me do some stuff?" She said. I guess I would be with her for most of the day and I could also hang out with Jess again at lunch. "Yeah that would be fine."

At Venable's House

I got my things out the car and we went toward her house holding hands. I could hear Millie barking. Mina opened the door and let me in first I put my things down at the side then picked up Millie and she licked my face. I heard Mina giggle. "She likes you a lot." She said and I laughed "I guess she does." I went into the living room and says down on the sofa with Millie still on me. Mina then came and sat next to me after putting the television on. I let go off Millie and let her sit on her.

Hey guys I'm back soz I just haven't rlly thought of stuff to write really. PLEASE leave opinions or ideas.
Luv G

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