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*The next day*

I woke up and wanted a lazy day and do nothing but relax. I decided to text Mina to say that I wasn't gonna come In to day.
Y/n: hey I mm not going to go to work today as I feel like having a me day 😘
I made myself comfy in bed and turned on the tv. I was about to fall asleep when my phone vibrated.
Mina💜: ok sweetheart, take it easy and don't stress about your parents. Talk later 😍
I smiled and put my phone down. I fell back asleep with the tv on in the background.
I must have been asleep for hours as I woke up to my phone ringing and knocks at my door. I grab my phone and walk to the door. I open the door and Mel is around there "hey I was calling you why didn't you answer." She said hugging me "I was asleep." I said as she pulled away and she nodded and shut the door behind her. "Come on fill me in." She said walking to the living room. "On what?" I asked sitting down on the sofa "everything since we last saw each other. Hey how's Willie?" She said "um it's Wilhelmina and yeah she's great." I said and Mel sighed "what?" I asked and she laughed "come on there has to be something going on with you two." She said and I shrugged "maybe there is?" I said and smiled "are you two going out?" She asked "no we are just seeing how things are going." I said and Mel nodded "but we agreed that after the whole thing has blown over we are going to take things more seriously." I said. "Oh okay do you know when that will be." She said and I shook my head "no I haven't had a letter or anything like that." I said my phone vibrated I looked down at it for the first time. There was three messages from Mina
Mina💜: Hey you having a good day? X
Mina💜: you be busy but I need to see you x
Mina💜: y/n I'm getting worried you haven't replied I'm going to come over to yours right now x
I was confused and worried of what she was on about. "What's wrong?" Mel asked and I shrugged "don't know Mina said she needed to speak to me." I said and typed my reply
Y/n: Sorry I fell asleep for a long time. Now my sister is round but I'll wait for you to come here before I ask you X
"She's coming over right now but you can stay." I said "yeah ok." She stood up "do you want a drink?" She asked "just water thanks." I said and continued to look at my phone. She came back over and put the drinks on the table. I took a sip and the door bell went. I got up and went to open the door. I looked up and saw that she had tears in her eyes. She stepped in and closed the door behind her. "Mina what's wrong?" I asked and she wrapped her arms around me and cried and I just held her until she pulled away. "I got fired today." She said "why!" I exclaimed "they all hate me. They were planning to fire me for months." She said I put my arm around her and we walked to the living room and sat down. "Look I know that people don't like you there but I promise that a better thing will come along." I said and she shrugged "how will get another job if people hate me though." She said "well maybe do nicer things to people and treat them as equals." Mel said and Mina looked up "I do try." Mina said looking towards me "i know you do sweetheart." I said and rubbed her back tears immediately filled her eyes. A phone started ringing and Mel apologised and excused herself. Mina once again wrapped her arms around me. "It's gonna be ok." I said "can I stay here tonight?" Mina asked "what about Millie?" I asked and she sighed "well that's a no then." She said as she leant against the sofa. "I could always go get her then she can stay with us here." I said and Mina shrugged "are you sure, I just don't want to leave her by herself all night." She said Mel then came j to the room and Mina left my embrace "I'm going to go now. Um Wilhelmina I hope everything goes well." She said and hugged me then smiled to Mina. We said goodbye and Mel walked out the door. "We should probably go and get Millie and some of your clothes." I said and Mina nodded. We got to her place and I sat with Millie whilst Mina got her things ready. She came into the room with a bag. She handed me a lead an Millie started barking which made me laugh. We walked out the door and got into the car "thanks for letting me stay round." Mina said "it's perfectly fine." I said driving to my place. We got into the door. "Is there anywhere that you don't want her to go." She said "no just not the bed I guess." I said she nodded and took the lead of Millie who just walked around. I took hold of Mina's hand and walked over the sofa and sat down. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder. We sat there in silence for a while before Millie jumped into Mina's lap. "I love this." She said stroking Millie. "I love this too."

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