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Y/n's POV:

It was the day I got to go home and and I was signing some stuff. "And also you will need checking up on since you are living alone and you'll probably get fed up with the same people coming over but it's necessary.' I just nodded along knowing Mina would be over a lot 'also at the end of the month you will need to come in so we can checks on you to see how you are doing." He said and I nodded "yeah that's fine I've signed everything what now?" I asked holding out the papers on a clipboard and he took them. "Not much now we will get you a pair of crutches invade you need to steady yourself sometimes coz you haven't moved that much but apart from that you are ready to go in a few minutes." He said I nodded and he walked out the door. My mom was saying that she would stay with me for a while after I got back home and I knew that meant about 4 hours. The doctor came back into the room with crutches "here you go." He came up to the bed and handed them to me I stood up with them. "Mom can you get Wilhelmina's things for me please." I said and she nodded and picked the bag up. We walked outside the hospital and we got into the car. There wasn't any traffic so we got back to mine and walked in. When I walked into the living room there were a dozen red roses on the table. "Aww!" I said and walked her to them I sat down on the sofa and read the note that was on it.
'Get well soon 💜. Mina xx' she was so sweet I picked up my phone and texted her
Y/n: Thx for the flowers there lovely ❤️
I sat back down and Mom came over and put Mina's stuff on the table. "There lovely who are they from?" She asked "Wilhelmina." I answered she nodded "you too are close then." She said "yeah I guess, we do work together." I said "you always seem happier around her." She said and I nodded "I guess so, I mean she's bringing her dog over later." I said my phone vibrated so I picked it up
Mina 💫: Hi I'm glad you liked them can we come over later like in an hour? X
Y/n: Yeah of course come over when ever you luck and save me from my mother. X
Mina 💫: I'll be right over than x
Y/n: Great cya soon x
Mina 💫: bye x
"Y/n" I heard my mother said "yup" I said putting my phone down "stop being on your phone so much." She said in a kind of strict tone "fine, shall I put the tv on?" I asked "no let's have a conversation." She said "k what do you want to talk about then?" I asked "just because your out of hospital doesn't mean you can have an attitude." She said I let out a breath "what do you mean you asked to talk so I asked what you wanted to talk about." I said and she looked really annoyed "because we never have conversations anymore." She said "we talked all the time at the hospital." I argued back "that's because you were trapped with me." She said "I wasn't trapped I still had my phone with me." I replied "that's not point." She said and was interrupted by the door bell and she groaned I stood up and walked over to the door "this conversation isn't over!" My mom yelled "oh I'm glad!" I shouted back. I opened the door and saw Mina and I let out a sigh "oh that bad am I?" She asked "no sorry just glad it's you." I heard a bark and looked down to see Millie I bent down and stroked her "hey I've missed you."'I said and picked her up. "Come on in." I said standing out the way and shutting the door after her. I walked into the living room still holding Millie "mom this is Wilhelmina's dog Millie." I said sitting back down where I was sat. "She's cute." My mom said "she is." Mina said and sat down on the seat next to me. "So your not on your phone now are you?" My mom said and I sighed "really? You want to start this now?" I asked and she nodded "right I'm only on my phone because we never have decent conversations and when we do they are ever you telling me what I'm doing wrong in my life or saying something I don't want to hear." I said "unbelievable. I made you who you are and this is how you speak to me." She said "really your blaming me for this" I said and she shook her head "I'm leaving I'm not going to listen to you disrespect me." She said then standing up "wow top parenting right there." I said but didn't get a response she just walked out the door. I let out a breath as Mina came and sat next to me. She took Millie from me and put her on the floor to get closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her and hid my face below her neck as she stroked my hair. "Are you alright?" She asked and I just shrugged "I'm glad your here." I said and she kissed my head "I know you are." She said and rubbed my back. I pulled back and she gave me a warm smile and I smiled back "all your stuff is in that bag." I said "next to the flowers I see." She said letting out a little laugh "well I didn't want to move them." I said and she wrapped her arm around my neck. "I like this." She said as I laced my fingers with hers. "What?" I asked "sitting this close to you without any disturbances well apart from Millie." She said "Hey I like Millie." I said and patted my lap so she can jump up and sit on it. "I'm glad she doesn't like many things. Like me really." She said "so I'm one of the lucky ones." I said "yep you and Mills are the luckiest." She said kissing my cheek "your so cute." I said and rested my head on her chest "and your adorable." 

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