The moring after

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*Venable's POV*

I woke up and remembered everything that happened last night. I suddenly felt cold. I looked to the side of me and y/n wasn't there. I sat up on the bed and walked out the bedroom. I could hear faint cries coming from the bathroom. I went over and knocked on the door and minutes later y/n opens the door with red puffy eyes. "What am I going to do?" She said.
"Don't worry I promise it's going to be ok. We're gonna go to the police and call someone who you rely on for extra support." I said and she nodded slowly. "Is there anyone you would want to call?" I asked and she nodded and grabbed my spare hand and we walked back into her bedroom. I sat back down on the bed as she picked up her phone and sat down next to me. She called someone and held the phone to her ear. "Hey mom, do you want to come over today it's been a while since we hang out?" She asked "great do you mind if my boss is here?" She smiled at me "you'll like her she's really nice." Y/n said and I smiled at her. "Ok great see you soon. Bye. Love you." She said and put her phone down. "Do u want some clothes?" She asked "yes please."

She came back into the room in a pair of sweatpants and an oversized jumper. She handed me a purple top and black leggings also a pair of purple socks. "I even got some purple for you." She said and I smiled "thank you." I said and grabbed the clothes. "I'm the one that should be thank you." She said "there's no need." I said. But she shook her head and sat down next to me "I'm really sorry." She said "hey don't be sorry none of what happened last night was your faults at all. People like him are sick." I said then there was a knock on the door. "I'll go get that you can come down when your changed. Also what do u want to be introduced as?" She asked. "Wilhelmina is fine." I said, she nodded and walked out the room.

Your POV:

I walked downstairs and opened the door. "Hey mom." I said and we hugged "Hey sweetheart how are you?" She asked I nodded "yeah I'm alright. Come in." I said I closed the door behind me and looked over and saw Mina walking towards us with her cane. "Mom this is my boss Wilhelmina Venable." I said Mina held out her hand which my mom shook. "Nice to meet you I'm Christie." My mom said we went to sit down as I did I felt pain around my center and thighs. "Honey are you ok?" My mom asked "not really. Um lat night we went to a work party and i came out of the toilet and then. This guy Max who works at the building." I said and my mom nodded not knowing what was coming next. "And then he-he um he pushed me against the wall and um Raped me." When I said this I broke down into sobs. My mom didn't say anything just came over and hugged me.I've only just come to terms what happened to me. "Have you gone to the police yet?" She asked I shook my head. "Why not? You should have made her go to the police instead of making her come back home in a crying mess. Why didn't you take her?" I heard my mom angrily raise her voice at Mina which made me a bit mad. "Mom it's not her fault,I didn't want to go!" I shouted and stood up. "Mina has actually been really nice to me and is taking me to the police today." I said "thank you." Mina whispered and I slightly nodded "ok sorry for jumping to conclusions." My mom said "it's ok I think I should probably go to the police now. I'll get my clothes from last night and then Mina can you take me?" I asked turning back to her. "Yeah sure but don't you want your mom to come as well?" She asked and I turned back to my mom "mom can you stay here I don't want you coming with me because you'll get a big emotional when I'm being asked stuff?" I asked and she nodded "yeah that fine I'll make a cake for when you get back." She said and I nodded.

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