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Y/n's POV:
I woke up and I had no idea what time it was but my mum was next to me on the chair asleep. I slowly picked up my phone and unlocked it. I went to text Mina because I had nothing else to do and I didn't want to go back to sleep.
Y/n: Hey sorry it late but I'm awake I was wondering if you could bring me some fun stuff to do because I know I'm going to get bored. ❣️
I sent that and played a game on my phone I got a text back from her surprisingly.
Mina 💫: Hey of course I'll see what I can find. Also you should be asleep you need rest. 💕
Y/n: Thx, I'm not tired and rather be texting you.
Mina💫: aww your so sweet even now. As soon as I'm up properly I'll be round if that's ok?
Y/n: thanks your the sweet one your doing this for me.


I felt a hand squeeze mine and I opened my eyes and looked at it. I saw purple nails and I smiled. I knew it was Mina. I squeezed her hand "hey you came." I said looking up at her. "Of course I came." She said. "I brought some cards and my iPad for you." She said pulling the iPad out of a bag. "You didn't need to bring me you iPad." I said as my mom came in the room. "Oh hi Wilhelmina." She said "hey how are you?" Mina said  "um tired not going to lie." She said and sat down on the chair next to my bed. "Mom go home and sleep I'll be fine Mina's here now anyway so I won't be alone." I said and she nodded "ok but as soon as anything happens call me okay?" She said and I nodded "I will don't worry." Mina said mom nodded and walked out the room. "Sit down I don't want you hurting your back." I said pointing at the chair. "God you shouldn't be worrying about me." She said walking around the bed to it and sitting down. "Well I do." I said I picked up the iPad. "What's the password then?" I asked "just swipe it up." She directed and I laughed at how easy it was. "Your gonna have to show me where everything is otherwise I have no clue." I said looking at her but I saw tears in her eyes. "Hey Mina what's wrong?" I asked reaching for her hand which she then held. "Your just so happy and you care about me when your lying in here and I can't do anything to help." She said a tear falling down her cheek. "You being here helps me and trust me I've only been happy whilst your here mom just cares to much about everything." I said before kissing her hand. "I care a lot as well." She said. I nodded "I know you do and you have no idea how grateful I am for you these past weeks." I said she nodded and took a deep breath. "Y/n I like you quite a lot actually." She said and I let out a sigh of slight relief which hurt a little but the pain was ok. "I like you a lot too Mina." I said and rubbed her knuckles. "Y/n" Mina said "yes" i replied. "Can I kiss you?" I nodded her lips slowly approached mine. They were so soft and gentle. She puked away a little after when she needed air. "Promise me one think Wilhelmina Venable." I said
"What is it?" She asked confused "as soon as I'm out of here your taking me on a date." I sort of demanded. She let out a soft giggle "that's a promise you can count on."

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated I'm currently ill but here's a I guess cute chapter.
~ G 💞

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