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*2 days later*

I felt a sting to my cheek. He slapped me and then punched me in the stomach. I started crying. I didn't want to be here. "That's what you get until your correct and not lying." He said. He punched me again near my eye and my whole body ached. He walked out the room and locked the door. I felt so small, weak and fragile. I was so tired I just shut my eyes and tried to block out the pain.

I heard a door slam. My eyes opened. "Hear take this." He said passing me two pink pills and a a plastic cup of water. I shook my head. He kicked my leg making the chair move. He opened my mouth and put the pills in my mouth then the weird tasting liquid and put his hand over my mouth. I had no other choice but to swallow it. Once I did he let good and punched my nose, making it bleed. "Never say no to me again!" He shouted and walked out the door. I cried so much my eyes were beginning to sting. I missed my family. I missed my friends and I missed Mina. I need them with me to cheer me up. I started thinking about their birthdays. I don't know Mina's birthday but I went through my Families. "Mum's he birthday is the 29th May. Dads is the 8th August. Mel's (older sister) it the 4th March." I said to myself. I must have fallen asleep again because I woke up and saw Max stand there. "So you been having any thoughts lately." He asked standing in front of me. I shook my head. "There's no point of thinking of things if I'm going to stay here forever." I said with a bit of an attitude. He dug his nails into my knees which were covers in scratches and a couple of bruises. "Don't speak to me like that." He said I shrugged and he dug his nails deeper. "I'm hungry. I can't live on pills drinks and half a cup of barely warm soup." I said and he slapped me across the face. "You'll have what your given!" He yelled.


I had my eyes closed and heard the door open. I slowly opened my eyes my whole body ached. "I've decided I'm going to be a little nicer to you." He said walking over to me. "I'm going to take the wires and rope from the chair so you can lie down. But that doesn't change the fact I'm going to let you go. I'll be be back later." He said he untied me and through me on the floor. I landed son my wrist and it hurt so bad but I had no tears left and my head was messed up from all the pills that he reduced. He walked out and slammed the door which made me jump.

*Venable's POV:*

It's been almost two weeks since Y/n had disappeared I have been all across town and I haven't seen anything that belongs to her. My phone went of as I while feeding Millie. I went to go get it. "Hello It Wilhelmina Venable."
"Ms Venable can you come to the station about Miss y/l/n as soon as possible please." A male voice spoke. "Yes of course." I said and hung up the phone. "I'll be back soon Millie be a good girl." I said I put in a coat and shoes. I drove to the Police station and saw Christie's car. I walked into the Police station and Saw her sat there with her other daughter Melanie. "Hey what's going on?" I asked her and she shrugged "I don't know they haven't told us." She said. "Ladies." A mans said I turned around and asked why we are here. "We have found where Y/n is and are going to get her. You can come if you want but when we go in only one of you can go in and Mrs Y/l/n I wouldn't advise it for you to come with us inside as it could be a shock." He said. "I'll go if you want them you won't be hurt or emotional when you see her." I said they both nodded "if you wouldn't mind." Melanie said and I nodded "okay our team are getting ready to go so once their ready we can go and you can follow us in one of your cars. Also when we get their we will let you in when you get a thumbs up so it's safe." He said and I nodded.
Minutes later we were walking out to Melanie's car as she offered to drive. We followed the cars. All the men rushed out the back of the van and went into the building. Some men came out. But most were still in there. One came out and gave me a thumbs up. I walked up to the building with two armed police members next to me. The guy in front of me guided me to a room they opened the door and I saw Y/n in the floor in a ball in her underwear. I went close and she looked tiny she had bruises on her and cuts. I went closer to her and sat down. She flinched still not looking up at me. I touched her back and she winced. "Don't worry Baby its me Mina."

Guys what do you think so far?! I didn't post in a while as I was busy you I've posted two tonight for you.
Luv G 💘

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