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*2 days later*

Work had finished and I was heading over to the hospital to visit Y/n. I parked in the car park and got out a box of chocolate from the backseat then put it in my bag and walked into the building and towards her room. I knocked on the door and walked in. I looked at Y/n and she had tears rolling down her face. "What's happened? Are you ok?"
I asked and she shook her head "what is it?" I asked standing next to the bed. "Umm my grandma has got...cancer and it's terminal." She said and broke down in tears. She leant her side into my body and I wrapped my arm around her back and side hugged her gently not wanting to hurt her. "Sorry" she said and I pulled away "what for." I asked stroking her hair. "You don't need to see me in a mess everyday." She said. "Your not a mess and I want to see you. So your not going to stop me." I said then kissed her head "anyway i got you something." I said pulling the chocolates out of my bag and gave them to her. She smiled "aww you didn't need to do that." She said starting to open the box "well I wanted to." I said as played with her cute messy hair. She put one in her mouth "Mina these are so nice. Do you want one?" She asked "no there all yours sweetheart." I said "thanks." She said. "Do you want your iPad back yet?" Y/n asked looking up. There was chocolate on the tip of her nose making me smile "No you can keep it." I said wiping away the chocolate with my thumb. "You got it in you nose some how." I said and laughed "oh thanks." She said laughing. Her sister Mel then came into the room. "Hey how are you?" She asked stroking Y/n's arm. "Ok k think. I mean I have chocolates." She said and I giggled to myself "I can see that you've had half of them already. The doctors aren't going to be happy." Mel said sitting down on the other chair. "Oh well there too good to save." Y/n said shoving another in her mouth.
I was sat on the chair next to
Y/n's bed when the doctor came in. "Hey how are you Y/n?" He said "I'm fine apart from news that I got earlier but I'm alright." She said I put my hand over hers on the bed and squeezed it. "Ok well I'm happy to say that you can go home tomorrow." He said and I felt happy that she was being let out of here but then sad because I wouldn't have an excuse to see her everyday. "That's great I can go home." Y/n said "yep you'll have to sign some stuff tomorrow and all that stuff." He said before walking out. "Hey sis you can go home and have some alcohol." She said "I don't think I'll be allowed to but I can't wait to get out of here." She then looked at me and smiled "and we are going out for dinner and your buying." She said and I laughed "if course I'm paying." I said laughing a bit. "Mom will be happy you can go home." Mel said and Y/n nodded "yeah but she and Dad would probably won't to visit me all the time. Well her more than dad." She said. 'I wonder if something happened with her dad' I wondered to myself "yeah that's gonna suck" Mel said. I looked at the time and realised it was nearly dinner time. "It's getting late I need to go and feed Millie." I said and Y/n looked a little sad at what I said "how about when you get home text me and I'll bring Millie round."
(btw I've changed Millie to a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)
I proposed and she looked happy again "yes I miss Millie also I can give you your stuff back then." She said smiling "perfect so just text me." I said and squeezed her hand she nodded and I walked out the room.
When I got home I opened the door and Millie barked and jumped up at me. "Hey Mills were you a good girl." I said in the stupidest voice and she barked "let's get you some dinner then" I said again and she ran on her paws into the kitchen. I followed and gave her food. I walked into the living room and put the tv on and started watching a show.

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