A long day

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"Hey dad." I sat bluntly "hey sweetheart, sorry I've been away I was on a business trip." He said "what for all the time I was living in hell." I asked "yes I'm so sorry I didn't contact you I just figured your mother was helping you." He said. "She was." I muttered under my breath but not quiet enough as he heard "what do you mean? She was." He asked and I shrugged "she hasn't really spoken about you since I came home." He said "well I said that whenever we talk about something, mostly about me that she goes mental which leads to an argument." I said "oh I guess your right I've seen it happen." He replied and I nodded "you could talk to her about it though." He said "that's my point if I talk to her about it she will start shouting." I said and he sighed "maybe let me talk to her then." He said i nodded "thanks." I replied "I should get going call me if you need anything." He said and hugged me. "Ok bye." I said and so did he then left the building. I walked back into Mina's office and sat down. "Everything alright?" She asked "yeah my dad says he's going to speak to my mom about how we always argue so I don't have to." I said and she nodded "oh ok." She signed a couple of papers and called Dannie to come in. "Take them to Mr. Lewis." Mina instructed and Dannie nodded "anything else?" She asked "no that's all." Mina said and Dannie walked out and shut the door behind her. I checked the time and saw we had four hours before we could leave "I'm sorry are you bored, I could probably find something you could do?" Mina asked "no it's fine, what have you need doing?" I asked "Um I need these papers stapled together." She said point at a pile of papers. "Yeah sure I can do that. How do you want them done?" I asked. She picked up two pieces of paper and a piece from another pile. "Just staple them at the corner and it's done." She said stapling them together. I nodded and repeated what she was doing. Her computer pinged so she looked at it as I continued to staple the papers together.
"Dang it." Mina said "what is it?" I asked. "I have to go to a meeting right now." She said "oh ok." I said she stood up and walked over to me. "I'm so sorry I'll be back as soon as it finishes." She said then kissed my head. "It's alright. Go don't be late." I said squeezing her hand. Then let go. She walked out the door.
I completed the papers and rested my back against the chair and went in my phone. I saw that it had been an hour. I went on social media and checked my emails. It had been twenty minutes and I was getting bored quickly. I decided to go out into reception and see if anything was going on. Which of course there wasn't. "Hey Y/n" Dannie says I walk over to the desk "yeah." I said "when will you be back?" She asked "um as soon as possible I guess. Why?" I asked "oh just because I hate working here Venable treats me like her slave." She said "she's really not that bad. You just need to not let it get to you." I said and she shrugged "I don't know how you can sit in there with her most of the day and not lose it." She said "I just managed to get her to like me on the first day I guess." I said "I've tried but I've just given up. I mean everyone calls her the purple witch for a reason right." She said. I'm not going to lie I felt a little hurt that people calm her names like that as none of them no her as kind and loving. So I just shrugged it off. "If you need me I'll be in there." I said and walked back into Mina's office. I sat down and went on my phone again.
The door opened and Mina walks in and gives a weak smile. "Hey you alright?" I asked "I'm tired. I'm sorry it was so long." She said sitting down on her chair. "It's ok I promise." I said she looked at her desk and smiled "thanks for going the papers." She said. "Of course. Hey if your tired we could always leave a bit earlier." I said and she nodded and looked at the time. "Wow I was in that meeting for a long time. I guess we could back up then leave. She said and I nodded. I organised her desk and we walked outside and into her car. We drove to hers and I stayed for a couple of hours before she dropped me off. When we were in the car I turned to her "everything alright?" She asked. I placed my hand on her cheek and connected our lips. Her soft lips against was mine was the best feeling. I pulled away. "Thank you." I said and a puzzled expression came on her face "what for?" She asked "everything, for being there for me when I needed you." I said and hugged her gently "oh your welcome, I was happy to be there for you."
I walked inside my house and started to watch tv before falling asleep on the sofa.

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