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We arrived shortly at the Party I got out the car and made sure my dress and hair was alright. I grabbed my purse and phone and we headed inside. There were many people and I saw a bar in the distance. "Come on I'll introduce you to some of the people here." Jess loudly said over the music. I nodded and we walked to a crowd of people. "Hey Jess who's the Hottie!" I heard someone ask them laugh after "Guys this is (Y/n) she's the new receptionist." Jess said "Hi I'm Nicole a kind of young woman said to me. She was blonde and skinny. "Hi." I said I Then got introduced to others. They was a Dude called James who was funny and kind. Amy who was already tipsy so I didn't know that much about her and Max who didn't stop staring at me ever since I came over. There were others but they kept quiet. "I'm gonna go to the bar it was great meeting you guys have fun!" I said and walked over to the bar. When I got there I Saw Ms Venable drinking a glass of wine looking lonely so I went and sat down next to her. "Hey Ms Venable how you doing?" I asked "good how are you?" She asked "yep I'm good thanks." I said and the waiter came over "what can I get you?" He asked "I will have a sex on the beach please." I said and he nodded "let me pay for it for earlier today." Ms Venable said "Thank you Ms Venable. You having fun?" I asked "Well I mean I do t dance but I do drink so yes and no." She said. She looked really hot with half of her hair up in a ponytail ant the rest of it falling down her back.

I swear she could wear anything and it would turn me on

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I swear she could wear anything and it would turn me on. "You look really nice tonight I really like your hair."'I said as the waiter gave me my drink. "Thank you you look really nice tonight as well." She said and I smiled. "I'll second that." I heard behind me. I turned around and saw the guy that couldn't keep his eyes off me earlier. "Excuse me?" I said "sorry I'm Max we met earlier." He said "Well to be fair Max we didn't meet you just stared at me so can I get back to my conversation now."

Venable's POV:

Whoever this man was he was annoying me for some reason and I could tell (y/n) just wanted him to go away. She faced back to me and rolled her eyes taking a sip of her drink. "Can you come with me to the toilets please?" She asked I nodded and we both walked to the toilets. Once we were in she let out a sigh "Omg people like that are such jerks it ridiculous."
She said. "I'm sorry for making you come with me I just didn't want him to follow me or hassle you." omg she didn't want him to annoy me, she couldn't be more sweet if she tried. "Thanks." I said it was basically the only thug I could say that didn't give away how much I like her. "Also when we're alone you can call me Mina if you would like." I said and she nodded "okay." She said she took a deep breath which I could tell was unsteady. "Um Mina can I tell you something?"

Ooo what's gonna happen in the next chapter?? 🤷‍♀️

Also I've changed my Instagram from @baulschett to @txquilascp by the way follow me if your not already 💕❣️

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