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Aditya: I feel I took a wrong step in haste. I should have been more composed to handle the situation in a smart manner. I should have understood the situation properly in depth to handle it.

Finally I came out of my trance when Rajveer welcomed me with a very big smile.

Rajveer: Welcome Aditya.... welcome back.... So you are going to resign, while shaking hands with Aditya.

Aditya: Ya sir I came to resign, but but Errrr, I mean how you came to know about the resignation sir, in a shocked voice.

Rajveer: Oh common Aditya, don't pretend as though you don't know who would have said this big hot news to me, with a wicked smile on face.

Aditya: Really sir, I have no idea, with a frustrated filled voice

Rajveer: Ahhhh Aditya!!! how can you be so dumb. Just think think who could have said???

Aditya: No idea sir. Can you tell me who said this news???, while narrowing the eyes.

Rajveer: Obviously your Biwi only Aditya. Errr... I mean Zoya my smart lady only said me about your resignation and the besssst partttt issss, she already reserved your position. Actually she was very eager to handle your position from a very long time or rather say right from the start itself. So finally she succeeded in securing that position.

Aditya: Hmmm.... I knew this bloody was telling lie, but still I was getting angry for no reason. I know very well that my Biwi will not run behind position nor she is a money hunter.

Rajveer: Infact she has started the work from today itself. She is really very fast in every thing. Everything means everything.

Aditya: Hmmmm, just nodded my head as I was not interested in his bullshit stories anymore.

Suddenly Zoya came inside with some doubts and she looked confused and tired, as she is working non-stop from past few days.

Rajveer: Aditya just excuse me I will just explain the process and come back to you immediately.

Aditya: Ok sir. No issues. I will wait sir.

I saw Rajveer standing very near to my Biwi, while she was sitting in front of the computer, as she was focused towards the work.

My blood boiled seeing him so close to her. I controlled for some time. But when his eyes started to focus on her body rather then the work I could not hold my anger anymore. Immediately I went to interrupt him.

Excuse me sir, in a harsh voice.

Rajveer: Ya Aditya just wait for few seconds I will be there.

Aditya: No sir it's bit urgent please....,in a harsh voice while gritting the teeth.

I saw my Biwi looking at me with confusion and gestured me to be calm.

Rajveer: Ya coming Aditya....,in a cool voice, while coming out of the room.

Yes Aditya what you want to say???

Aditya: Sir I am resigning my job and I want to complete the F&F  (Full and final settlement) procedure.

Rajveer: Ahhhh so you are resigning. Is it your final decision??

Aditya: Yes sir.

Rajveer: You have to serve 1 month notice period Aditya. Are you ready?

Aditya: Ok sir!!, I am ready.

Rajveer: And it's not a formality Aditya. Daily you have to be here from 10am to 5pm and help me in completing and clarifying the doubts in work.

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