Chapter #6(Flashback)

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Aditya: Before I could proceed towards my sleep there was a long bell and loud bang on my door.I just opened the door and I was shocked.

How come you are here......?????

Vinod: Actually we all came to say hi to you sir.... Guys tell hi...

Mili, Akansha, Mona, Mithilesh and Shaun: Hiiiiii sir.

Aditya:  Before I could say they sprayed pepper powder on me, pushed me inside and held my hands behind and started to ask questions in series, without giving a single break to answer them.

Mithilesh: What are you doing in Zoya's home?

Vinod: That to at 11pm ??

Shaun: That to with only trousers???

Mona: what are your intentions

Mili: You smell drunk????

Akansha: what have you done to her?????

Aditya: Before they could continue there rapid fire round I shouted, Chup ho jao, ek dam chup, finger on your lips.

Aditya: Before they could continue there rapid fire round I shouted, Chup ho jao, ek dam chup, finger on your lips

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I saw their eyes wide open and they kept there finger on their lips due to fear.

Actually I should ask you people, what you guys are doing in my home, I shouted???

Before they could open their mouth I said," How dare you guys question me, as though I am a rapist".

I just ran my fingers on my hair and said, I am her bloody husband. Already I am struggling to get her back in my life, upon that you guys are creating another mess"

Suddenly to my another shock I heard a familiar voice.

Noor: Jiju why are you struggling to get aapi back in your life??? That means you guys are not together??? What are you hiding from me Jiju???

Aditya: Errr nothing I am hiding Noor. How come you are here at this hour????

Noor: Don't change the topic. Promise on me and Arjun and say Jiju, that nothing has happened between you and Aapi.

Aditya: Whoooooo Errrr

Arjun: They have applied for divorce Nuu

Noor: What are you saying Juuu??? Jiju tell me?? what  ever Arjun said, is that trueee...

Aditya: I just break down and sat and started to cry. I am sorry Noor I hurt your Aapi. I am a bloody scoundrel who doubted and hit her.....

I am sorry.... But I promise I won't leave her at any cost. I want her back at any cost. I want her...

Noor: I could not see my jiju crying like this. I wiped my tears and went near him, every relationship will suffer some problem and misunderstanding, only to become even more strong. I know my jiju will overcome this problem also.

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