CHAPTER - 32(b)

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Zoya: Aditya just caught her face and kissed her slowly and this time she too responded passionately. When Aditya withdrew himself due to lack of breathe she gave him a tight slap and Aditya was completely shocked at this sudden reaction of hers. He had no idea why she slapped him. Before he could recover from the previous slap another slap was gifted, followed by punching his chest with her soft fist. Aditya was hell confused and his mind flashed the possibility of the recent kiss, as the reason behind her slap.

Aditya: Biwiiii stop it, while stopping the ongoing soft punches on his chest!!!! I am..I am sorry for kissing you without your permission. Again he earned a slap from her. This slap made him little angry and he shouted,"Biwiiiiii stop it, while catching her arms tightly".

Zoya: When did I say like that, while shouting angrily???

Aditya: Then what's your problem dammit, while holding her arms harshly?

Zoya: You are the problem, while crying. It's you it's you Aditya. It's you, while slowly stumbling down on the ground like a weak person. The rain was pouring down heavily and continuously. Both were completely "dripping drenched" in the rain, but none of them seemed to bother about the hard rain. Aditya slowly kneeled down and took her in his embrace tightly. He kept pacifing her by stroking her head and kept repeating sorry. Even she too comfortably snuggled into him and cried for few minutes. Aditya took this opportunity and tried lifting her but she got alerted and did not cooperate. She started screaming and shouting, "put me down you cheater, fraud". Aditya was taken aback with the words like "cheater and fraud".

Aditya: Cheater and Fraud! Are you serious, with a startled tone??? I guess you are gone mad in this rain Biwi. Anyhow this is not the right place to discuss. So let's go inside and think on these recent allegations of yours, while still trying to lift her.

Zoya: I don't want to discuss with a cheater cum Fraud like you. Infact I am declaring you as one of the biggest "cheater fraud" in the universe, who keeps hiding things from his Biwi, while gripping her hand on a near by pole.

Aditya: Biwiiii!!! I really don't understand the reason behind your useless allegations nor interested to understand too, in a rough voice while trying to release her soft hands from the pole.

Zoya: I won't come with you bastard, while shouting in anger.

Aditya: And I won't leave you Biwiiii. He managed to release her hands from the pole and hoisted her up. He carried her like a sack of potato bag. She started to wriggle her legs and started to hit his back with her soft hands. When her punches did not effect him she started to bite and scratch his neck and Aditya let out a instant cry due to pain. He warned her to stop biting and scratching, but she did not listen, so he smacked her back a bit little harder. She reacted to the smack by uttering few curses like; Moron, bastard, idiot, stupid.... Suddenly she stilled when Aditya crossed a series of bright glowing pathway lights. She managed to turn a bit to see a huge house, which was welcoming her with the beautiful lighted serial bulbs. It looked even more beautiful with the rain shower. She just turned away while erasing her tears with her palms roughly.

Aditya stopped infront of the house and was unlocking the doors with a single hand while she kept staring at the pathway lights. As soon as he opened the door the lights switched on automatically due to sensor based technology. The entrance hall was coloured with taxicab-yellow and was furnished with contemporary and traditional styles.

Zoya was observing everything and her eyes welled with tears occasionally. Her tears increased when Aditya climbed a royal red stripped runners to reach the bedroom. The walls of the bedroom contained photographs of beautiful memories of Aditya Zoya, framed in golden colour, which matched the window frames and door of the room. Aditya put her down in a haste and spoke in a angry tone, "now tell me what's your problem Biwi", while looking at her water dripping body.

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