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Zoya: He has to tolerate my every single wrath his whole life. I won't forgive him...for being like this always, with a serious face, while mentally making some decision. It's high time that I have to speak to him. He can't be always like this. But why he is taking so much time??? Who would have come in this sunny afternoon, while walking towards the living room??

But when she saw the comfortably seated people Infront of her, she was shocked, surprised and happy at the same time. But suddenly all her excitement changed into a slight glint of disappointment. But she excellently covered it with her usual energetic bright wide smile.

Ammi Abbu what a surprise, with a forced surprise smile!!! But it was again replaced with confusion by seeing there very serious hard face.

Roshnaq: Zoya pack your things. You will not stay here for a minute also with him, with a plain face, in a serious tone.

Zoya: But amm...

Waseem: Zoya enough of your sufferings. I don't want you to suffer any more, in a serious tone.

Zoya: But Abbu...

Roshnaq: I said pack your things Zoya. Don't waste a single minute also here, in a strict ordering tone.

Zoya: Ohhhh please stop it Ammi Abbu, in a angry loud voice. I am not coming any where and who said I am suffering here??? Infact I am really very very happy here, while looking at Adi with teary eyes, but Adi was avoiding her gaze at the moment.

Roshnaq: Zoya stop acting to be happy. We came to know everything. Adi said us each and everything, with an expressionless face.

Zoya: He said everyyyyything, with a shocked voice and tears, that were ready to explode from her eyes.

Waseem: Yes!! Yes!! He said everything and said us to take you with ussssss today itself, in a serious tone, soooo that you can enjoy Noor's every wedding rituals, as the voice slowly turned into happiness. Roshnaq just look at her face, while laughing lightly which super confused Zoya but Aditya remained unaffected.

Roshnaq: Waseem enough of joking. Look she is almost crying. Ahhh beta we are sorry for the over acting. It's all your Abbu's stupid plan, while hugging her and stroking her hair.

Zoya: Abbuuuu, while wiping her tears. You are really bad. I hate you, with a fake angry pout.

Waseem: Aww Mera bachha, while side hugging her. Beta really sorry for making you scared, in a soft pleading voice. Actually even we were shocked like you, when Aditya asked us to take you with us to our home.

But when he explained, that you were crying daily for not helping Noor in her marriage preparation, listening to this Zoya was completely shocked and her lips automatically muttered silently "what"!!! and her mind simultaneously screamed," no Abbu no it's a complete white lie" and when he said about his work targets and how bad he felt about himself for not dropping you at our place. Hence he requested us to come today and take you home safely.

So after hearing all these things, how can we be calm. So we came running immediately so that you need not cry and also we don't want our Adi beta to feel bad any more.

Through out the time Zoya kept shooting deadly draggers at Adi for this great lie and he avoided meeting her eyes. So here after I don't want you to cry otherwise I will punish you in my own prannky style. Got it, in a loving ordering voice!!!.

Beta now enough of being angry on your Abbu, while patting zoya's shoulder who was still cutely pouting in anger. So you won't forgive this Abbu that easily, while Zoya nodded as yes. Then I have to do this in order to pacify my princess, while holding his ears getting prepared for performing squats.

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