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Rajveer: Hahah that's what I want Aditya Hooda,with a wicked confident smirk on face, while leaving the place.

Aditya: I saw him striding out with full attitude and before exiting he suddenly turned back sharply and passed a wicked smirk to me and lipped all the best by showing his thumb and winked his eyes.

My little happiness, my hope and  courage that I had gained few minutes back just vanished from my soul-mind and once again the fear of loosing my Biwi prevailed.

I started to become more anxious and restless just by thinking on how did the Bloody swine get the hint about my team and about the plan??? What else does he know?? What will be his next plan?

Ahhhhhh I just banged my hand on the wall. But this time I won't allow him to succeed in his plan. Immediately I messaged in my group, "Operation Zoya under threat" meeting at 10pm. Immediately response started to pour from my best crazy team.

Mahi: Oh my god!!! What happened Adi sir. Did he do any thing this time??? I will kill him.

Vinod: what did that bloody swine do sir?? Tell one word I will finish him.

Mithilesh: Did that swine came to know about our plan sir???

Shaun: It's not possible for a swine like him to know about our smart plans Mithilesh. So no worries 😎😎.

Akansha: What ever it is, I am just excited 😍 about today's meeting.

Mili: Wow!!! Night meeting once again....

Mona: Guys plz bring snacks too😋😋.

Aditya: Guys!!!'s serious issue not movie time guys😒😒.

Arjun: Yes guys. It's serious time. But Bhai what is the location...

Noor: Finally someone asked an accurate question 😀😀😀.

Aditya: Well hmmm... Cafe Coffee Day near my street. Is that ok.

Mili: Wow superb sir. That means today also late night meeting. This time we can have an additional plan to eradicate that swine too.

Aditya: Exactly this is what I want my smart sister for today's meeting. You are just awesome.

Vinod: She is always awesome sir😍. My lady smart.

Noor: So more twist to operation Zoya. Hope you enjoyed the operation Zoya Jiju.

Aditya: Yes my darling Nuuu. As per Mili's plan I just confused, irritated and ignored and pretended with my Biwi a lot. Actually I am enjoying the concept of operation Zoya.

Oops it's already getting late. Ok bbye Nuu and Juuu. Guys let's carry on with eating before my Biwi gets doubt on us.

Finally I went inside the party hall and had my food, while acting once again as though I am ignoring my darling Biwi. But the actual fact is my eyes are completely fixed on her every moov. After food I went to resume my work.

Zoya: I really don't understand what is happening around me. Sometimes I feel he is observing me but when I turn he is not. I am really in a very confused state. My main aim at present is I need to clear the misunderstanding between Mili and Aditya and unite them soon. My thoughts where disturbed when someone called me.

Rajveer: Zoya, in a loud voice!!!! ( everyone's attention was fixed on Zoya) Can you come to my cabin? I need to speak to you regarding some important thing.

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