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Zoya: only in your dreams you can punish me, while thinking mentally and giggled a bit. Finally she switched off her mobile as she knew that Adi will message her continuously and she may end up replying him.

Aditya: Adiii you are really a duffer, idiot stupid and all the remaining words are exactly suitable to you, while slapping his forehead. What was the need to ask mom and dad, " mom dad please take her with you as she is missinggggggg Noor's wedding preparations", while mimicking himself.   Now suffer the side effects of her "new extended version" of silent treatment of "non-stop silence, no replies and random phone switch off", while closing his eyes tightly with a huge disappointment. He started to walk here and there aimlessly, from bedroom to hall, and cursed himself for the latest ignoring behaviour of hers.

He stopped walking when he came across a photo frame of her. He picked the frame and started to speak, " Biwi how can you sleep so peacefully after making my nights sleepless??? I understand that you don't want to speak to me or message me or call me, but what is the need to switch off your mobile???" " Don't you feel pity on this husband??? Why you want to torture me like this with your complete silence?? Don't you miss me any more, in a silent soft tone?" He ran his sharp pointing finger on the photo frame of hers. His finger stopped at her lips," why you are giving so much punishment to these soft pink lips of yours??? They are waiting from a long time to speak to me. Why are you stopping them?? Infact from past few days they are missing my special attentions too". His attention diverted with the sound of clock, which ticked 12. He mischievously smiled as some idea sparked in his mind. He immediately took his phone and dialled a number, while his gaze was still fixed on her photo frame and continued to speak with a hush hush voice,"Biwi it's time for sweet revenge", while waiting for the receiver to attend the call.

I don't know how this important fact just went out of my mind. I know she becomes ferocious tigress, when disturbed during sleep. But I am left with no other choice, while mentally thinking about the upcoming reaction with a uncontrollable smile on face.As expected she became very angry and started to shout very loudly. I instantly disconnected the call, as my work was done.

Noor: "Appiiiiiiiii", while shouting in a loud irritated voice. What these both think of themselves?? When ever they want they can use me, while jumping out of the bed. Today I won't spare them. Wow look at our sleeping beauty, after disturbing my sweet sleep she is sleeping happily.

Once again she shouted,"Appiiiiiiiii". But  Zoya was sleeping peacefully which irked Noor more. When she did not react even after calling many times, Noor pulled out the bedsheet in a single fling and looked at Zoya with a angry face, which bought a slight fear inside Zoya.

Zoya: yeah Allah now what happened to her??? Why she is looking at me with so much anger?? Did I snore accidentally or talked loudly in sleep or disturbed during my imaginable sleep walk, while yawning? Uffff lemme ask her before she pounces on me. Nooo Noooo...Noor wha wha what happened, in a fear filled voice and maintained the fear look on face, while swallowing the lump formed in throat???

Noor: Appiiiiii where is your phone, with a wide opened eyes and spoke in a devilish voice???

Zoya: It's here here, in a scary voice while extending her phone which was snatched by Noor immediately. She just switched on the mobile and returned her.

Noor: Andddd next time don't switch off your phone and please you both stop playing with my sleep, cause I don't want to become a murderer instead of bride, she said it in a single straight line. Finally she plopped to her bed after giving a deathly warning glare and continued her sleep again.

Zoya: Ya Allah!!!! I really did not understand what she said. who both are playing with her or did she have any bad dream. Before she could analyze further Aditya called her and she as usual ignored it. Now why he is calling at this time? Uffff can't he sleep peacefully without irritating me. But Aditya did not give up and once again  he played the same game. He dialled Noor's number and as usual Noor  jumped out of her bed and glared at Zoya and shouted, " Appiiiiiiiii why don't you attend your phone calls. I am not your PA, while shouting loudly"

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