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I sat on the large couch in the living area of Avengers Tower, the large pillows in the corner of the couch pulling me in as I sunk into the plush cushions, my legs up on the couch as a blanket covered my legs, my arm holding up a book in front of my face.

The lights of New York city were gleaming outside in the darkness of the night, people making their way home after a long day at work. Pigeons were wandering around on the roof of Grand Central Station, the rumbling of the trains scaring them as they flew away, attempting to find another landing spot.

I heard the sliding doors open, not looking away from my book as someone approached the couch, sitting themselves down at the other end. "Hello to you too" Tony's voice rang out as I lowered my book to see the smirking man with his arms folded, looking over at me. "I'm reading" I told him, lifting my book back up and turning the page over, not talking to Tony as tried I finished the chapter.

"You know you are literally living in my house" he said to me, standing up from the couch and walking over to the kitchen, walking behind the island and opening the cabinet, pulling out a bottle of scotch and a glass. "Wouldn't kill you to be a little nicer to me" he said as he poured himself a drink carefully as I closed my book and set it back down on my lap, nuzzling into the couch pillows more.

"I don't live here, I'm just visiting, I'm heading out to California tomorrow" I told him, raising my eyebrows as he walked back over, sitting back down on the couch. "Plus it's Avengers Tower and last time I checked I'm in the Avengers" I told him, holding out my hands as he chuckled, pointing at me with pursed lips. "Do you pay the bills?" he asked me as he took a sip of his drink.

"Got me there" I joked, rolling my eyes playfully and setting my book on the glass coffee table that sat in the middle of the room. "Don't listen to him, you're welcome here whenever you want" Pepper said as she walked through the sliding doors, setting her folder down on the kitchen island before walking over taking the glass out of Tony's hand and taking a sip of his drink as he objected, Pepper stepping over his legs and sitting down on the couch.

"I just needed to use your satellite quickly, thank you by the way" I said as Tony nodded his head, still eyeing his drink as Pepper lifted the glass to her mouth and drinking from it with a smirk. "Any luck?" He asked me, causing me to bow my head, looking down at my hands as I picked at my thumb nails. I shook my head, looking back up to see Pepper's sympathetic eyes piercing straight through me.

"He'll show up at some point" I added, nodding my head, more telling myself not to lose hope than letting them know where I was on my mission to find Bucky. I had sweeped all public security cameras on the easy coast looking for some facial recognition finds, but there was nothing. It was as if he completely disappeared off of the face of the earth, but he had to be somewhere, and I was going to find out where.

"Well I have something that should take up some of your time" Tony said to me as he pulled out his phone, throwing it over to me. I caught it with one hand, grabbing both sides and pulling them apart, pushing the button on the bar as it projected up a screen, a file sheet on it for me to read. "There's a HYDRA base in some southeastern European country" Tony said as he turned to face me, lifting one of his legs up and propping it on the couch.

"There was an excess release of gamma rays coming from an abandoned bunker, meaning the sceptre may be there" he told me as I flicked through the information, skimming it over quickly as I listened to what he was saying. "It's new" I told him, zooming in on the location on the map I had pulled up. "Sokovia was a part of the Soviet Union in the 40s, we only had 4 bases there" I told him, all of the old HYDRA bases being wiped out by Steve in the 40s after I 'died', meaning any other were created after that.

"Once SHIELD took the sceptre they must have shipped it off to the HYDRA half of them, managing to power off their whole base off of the tesseract" Tony said to me as I closed the phone back up, tossing it back over to him, Pepper shrinking in her spot to make sure it didn't hit her, causing me to laugh at her lightly as Tony pocketed his phone. "Should we get the band back together?" He asked me, looking over at me with a smug look on his face.

"Let me guess you're the lead singer?" I said as I rolled my eyes gently, looking over at him as I ran my hands through my messy hair which was now just falling over my shoulders. "More like the record label, I just pay for stuff" he said as he shrugged his shoulders, Pepper laughing as she crossed her legs, Tony scowling at the glass in her hand.

"I mean I could stay for that but California is pretty important" I joked, raising my eyebrows as I nodded my head and pushed my lips to one side. "More important than helping me get the sceptre back? I can't do everything myself" Tony said as he rolled his eyes, standing up drastically and strutting over to the kitchen, pulling the scotch out once again, grabbing a glass from another cabinet.

"Fine, but I want to keep this blanket"


A/N: HELLO AND WELCOME, I hope you all are excited for this book as I am so get straight into it!!

A/N: HELLO AND WELCOME, I hope you all are excited for this book as I am so get straight into it!!

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