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I stood on the lower level of the abandoned boat, my footsteps against the metal grate I was walking down almost silent

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I stood on the lower level of the abandoned boat, my footsteps against the metal grate I was walking down almost silent. I leaned against the wall as I watched Thor, Steve and Tony make their way up the metal stairs to the walkway, Ultron and the twins talking at the other end, unaware of our infiltration.

"Don't compare me with Stark, he's a sickness" Ultron spat at the twins as I looked across from me to see Natasha pushed up agains the wall oposite me, watching the same interaction as she held a pistol down against her leg. "Junior, you're gonna break your old mans heart" Tony said as he caught the attenion of out opponent, Thor bracing as the 3 turned towards the men.

"If I have to" Ultron repeated as his new metallic body took a step onto the platform, the twins following but staying behind him. I shifted my eyes to Steve who clenched his fist, getting ready to fight after the quippy interactions Tony always used to stall. "We don't have to break anything" Thor said as Ultrons head moved to look at him, the red glowing eyes moving in the dim lighting.

"Clearly you've never made an omelet" the robot retorted as Tonys, armoured head moved to the side slightly to Thor. "He beat me by one second" Tony's voice said as he looked forward again which caused me to roll my eyes, Steve probably doing the same even though I couldn't see him, I could sense it. "This is funny, Mr. Stark. It's what, comfortable? Like old times?" Pietro asked as he looked of of the bridge to the missiles sitting behind the wall I was hiding behind, causing me to retract to hide from his gaze.

"This was never my life" Tony said almost instantly, Steve taking a small step forward as I looked around the corner once again. "You two can still walk away from this" Steve said as his voice bounced off of the metal walls of the ship, the twins' eyes falling onto the super soldier. "Captain America. God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but-" Ultron started as it's voice sounded annoyed, which Steve definitely was.

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it" Thor boomed as Ultron's head moved towards him, clearly unhappy with the fact that the god just interrupted him. "I think you're confusing peace with quiet" he snapped back as Tony chuckled at the robot. "Whats the Vibranium for then?" Tony asked as Ultron took a step back off of the bridge. "I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan" Ultron said as the remaining Iron Legion bots we didn't detroy came shattering through the glass and started fighting the three men.

"It's show time" I said to Nat as I ran out of my hiding place and towards the bridge, running straight at a wall and kicking myself off of it, leaping into the air and grabbing onto the metal railing. Tony flew at Ultron, both of them taking off of the ground and fighting in the air as Thor swung his hammer at the 3 bots coming straight at him. I pulled myself onto the railing, swinging one leg over at a time, landing on the bridge as a bot came flying straight at me causing me to duck, Steve hitting it with his shield as it flew into him.

"This bridge is higher than you'd think" I said as I smiled at him, turning around and, grabbing the bot that was flying towards me by the metal arm and wrapping my fingers into the space between its head and neck, ripping its head off and throwing it over the side of the railing. "Watch your back" Steve shouted at me as Pietro came towards me, nothing visible except from the blue streak which swept my legs out from under me, throwing me onto the metal grate and landing harshly on my back, the wind being knocked out of me.

"Got it" I groaned as Steve came over to me, holding out his hand as I took it, but as I did so Wanda used her powers to throw Steve into big metal doors, causing him to leave a very large dent in it as he fell to the ground. I grabbed my batons from my back as I clicked them together in one smooth movement, grabbing the railing and jumping off of it, landing on my feet and ducking behind a large wooden box so Wanda couldn't see me.

I looked up once I heard gunshots, about 12 men holding guns firing over at Natasha who was preoccupied with fighting a few men who were already attacking her. "Clint, help me out here" I said as I got up onto my feet running away from behind the box to get the mens attention, all of them turning towards me. One jumped down from the higher level, firing at me as I dodged the shot, kicking the gun from his hand as I kneed him in the stomach, smacking his head back with my baton. "Thor, status" Steve's voice rung through the network we were all hearing through our earpieces.

"The witch tried to warp my mind, be careful you may not handle it. Luckily I am mighty" he responded as my opponent grunted. He swung his arm at me which I caught, ducking myself underneath his arm and using my elbow to knock his head back again, grabbing onto his neck and slamming him into the floor, knocking him out as an arrow came from above and hitting another man who was shooting at me. I looked up to see Clint nodding at me before I started running, making my way through a door frame. The hallway it led down was very quiet, myself being the only occupant in it, only a red light at the end signifying where it ended.

I didn't turn around as I gripped my staff, looking down the dark hall to deem it empty, yet my mind was starting to go foggy.


A/N: hi guys,
Next chapter is my favourite!! so please brace yourselves for what is going to come, and does anyone have any guesses to what it could be??
please vote and comment and I will see you before

A/N: hi guys,Next chapter is my favourite!! so please brace yourselves for what is going to come, and does anyone have any guesses to what it could be??please vote and comment and I will see you before

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