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We were all silent for a minute as Steve came back in, my eyes connecting with his as he shrugged his shoulders at me

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We were all silent for a minute as Steve came back in, my eyes connecting with his as he shrugged his shoulders at me. "Where did he go?" I asked as I set Lila down, Laura telling her and Cooper to go play outside, which they did happily, running past Steve who smiled down at them as they past.

"To find some answers, whatever that means" he shrugged as Bruce cleared his throat, standing awkwardly. "Do you guys have a bathroom?" Bruce asked as Laura nodded his head at him, Nat putting her hands on her hips. "I'll show you where it is" She said with a smile as she motioned her head towards the door, Laura looking over at me and raising her eyebrows at me as I nodded my head once, indicating I'd tell her later.

A ringing noise rang out as Laura turned towards the kitchen. "Those are the cookies" she said as she kissed Clint on the cheek one last time, walking over to the kitchen as I followed, offering my help as Clint said he'd show Steve and Tony around the land. "Dr Banner and Nat?" Laura asked me as I passed her the oven gloves which she pulled on as she opened the oven up and pulled the tray out, setting it on the stove. "I'm just as shocked as you are" I told her shrugging my shoulders and taking a seat on the bar stool at the counter top, turning to face her as I wiped my face with my hand. "You guys may have to double up if you're staying" she told me as she leaned against a counter, smiling over at me.

"Yeah, well that may not go down well with Tony" I said as she chuckled at me, raising her eyebrow. "You want to share with Steve?" she said as I stood up, walking over to the stove and pulling a cookie off of the sheet, a hot chocolate chip brining my finger as I took a bite from it, licking my lips from melted chocolate. "I don't care, he'll offer to sleep on the floor no matter where he's sleeping" I said, shoving the rest of the cookie into my mouth before it could melt anymore.

"What's going on between you two anyway?" she asked me as I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Nothing" I replied with a full mouth, Laura looking over at me suspiciously as I nodded my head, insisting that there wasn't anything between us. "You've been telling me that for years, and I still don't believe you" she said to me as I sat back down again, sighing as I leaned back against the counter, throwing my head back. "There's nothing, I promise" I told her as I slapped my legs lightly and standing up, walking over to her and wrapping my arms around her neck as she hugged me back, her stomach getting in the way slightly. "I love you" I said to her as I closed my eyes, her hand rubbing my back as she chuckled.

"I love you too, but you stink" she told me which caused me to laugh, letting go of her as I grabbed a piece of my hair, giving it a sniff as I looked back at her. "I'm going to take a shower" I told her as I left the kitchen, making my way through the living room and to the hall. "You probably should" she shouted back as I smiled to myself, climbing up the stairs and to the en suite I commonly slept in when I was here.


I left the bathroom as I ran my wet hair through a towel, a black tank top on and grey joggers as I left the steamy bathroom, Steve waiting in the seat by the window with a towel on the bed behind him, probably waiting for me to get out the shower.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were waiting" I told him as he looked at me, smiling softly before looking out the window again, watching the light wind rip through the trees. "I don't know how much hot water will be left" I told him as I sat down on the edge of the bed, still rubbing my hair with the towel as I stared at the ground. "Do you ever think what may have happened with our lives if we had just continued from the war?" he asked me, which caught me off guard, looking over at him as he continued to look out the window.

"Not really" I said as he finally looked over at me, his eyes glazed in sadness as he stared at me for a moment. "I probably would have hung up the shield after the war" He told me as I swallowed, looking away from him as I dropped my arms, setting the damp towel on my lap. "Peggy and I probably would have got a house in a suburb somewhere" he added as I looked back up at him, a somber smile now on his face. "Would you have forgave me?" I asked him, cocking my head to the side as I pulled both of my legs into the bed, crossing them and setting my towel to the side.

"Eventually" He said to me simply, a small nod of his head tagged onto the end. "Maybe I would have ended up with a life like this" Steve added, motioning to the house with his hand, setting his chin on his fist which was propped up on the arm rest. "Not in the 1950s economy" I said to him as he smiled at my joke, which was my main goal right now. "I didn't know you were so good with kids" he said to me as I bowed my head with a smile.

"Well Lila and Cooper are the closest I'll get to my own kids" I told him, fiddling with my thumbs as I looked back up at him, his eyebrows scrunched in presumed sadness for me. "Cooper as in Allison Cooper" Steve said, the dots connecting in his brain as I nodded my head. "Yeah, you're really the only one to have noticed"  I said to him as I grabbed my towel, continuing to dry the ends of my hair as I felt a droplet of water drip down my back.

"You should probably go for a shower before all the water gets used" I said to him as he stood up, nodding his head as he looked down at me."By the way, I would have forgiven you no matter what time period we were in" he said to me as I smiled up at him, nodding my head a few times.

"Thank you"


A/N: hey guys, i'm trying to get some cute moments while at Clint's house so that's what the next few chapters will be about, plus some little Steve moments 😶
Please vote and comment and I will see you soon

A/N: hey guys, i'm trying to get some cute moments while at Clint's house so that's what the next few chapters will be about, plus some little Steve moments 😶Please vote and comment and I will see you soon

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