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Steve and I walked down a quiet road, a few cars parked on the side of the sidewalks but otherwise you wouldn't have even thought anyone lived here

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Steve and I walked down a quiet road, a few cars parked on the side of the sidewalks but otherwise you wouldn't have even thought anyone lived here. We walked speedily side by side, not talking as we tried to navigate around the city towards the church which sat right at the middle of the whole town, which is where Tony should be with Ultron right now.

"Clint, anything from Bruce?" I said quietly through my earpiece, waiting for a reply as Steve looked over at me, clearly having heard my message as well. "Nothing" Clint's voice replied as I sighed, running by hands on the harsh material on my jacket, shaking me head as Steve smiled over at me reassuringly.

"It's that way right?" I asked him, pointing down the street, as the concrete under us began shook, causing me to squat a bit, striking my hands out at either side of me as I looked around frantically. There was bricks falling down off of the buildings, landing on top of the cars and smashing their windows as the windows on the buildings also broke. I looked over, making eye contact with Steve as I scrunched my eyebrows. "What the hell was that?" I asked Steve as silence filled the space around us, not a single noise occurring as Steve looked over at me, shaking his head.

All of the sudden there was a loud screeching noise as I looked up, a heard of robots flying over us, heading back towards the bridge and the edge of the town. "We should go back" I said to him before he took of running, not even replying to me as he was sprinting back down the road we had come. I didn't say anything else as I started running after him, moving as fast as I could as we turned a corner, following the bots as I watched them fire at a building, the whole thing exploding as screams surrounded me, the bridge still congested with cars.

Steve ran over as people started climbing out of their cars, more blasts coming from the robots, blowing up buildings all around me. "Come on" I said to a lady who was trying to flee, tripping over something as I helped her up, pointing towards the bridge as she ran in that direction, pushing between everyone as she made her way through the cars. "Guys, we have a problem" Tony's voice said as the mechanical sound of the bots landed, more screaming filling my ears as they fired at the cars on the bridge, people ducking as debris went flying.

"I think we've noticed" I told him as I put my hands over my shoulders, grabbing my batons and clicking them together, letting out a deep breath before I ran towards the crowd, a robot seeing me and clocking me as a threat. I leaped behind one of the cars as they shot a blast straight over the top of it, completely shattering eh top of it as it all went flying. "Tony, why are the blasts of these things so powerful?" I asked as I looked around the car, seeing it walking towards the car as I stood up, running towards it and kicking it down onto the ground, stomping on it and driving the end of my staff straight through the metal, disabling it.

"They are powered by a vibranium core, don't get hit, it won't end well" Tony's voice told me as I pushed my foot down on it, pulling my staff out as he'd as I could, the metal scraping off of each other. "Thanks for that advice" I said sarcastically as I ran over to a car which was blocked with another empty one, the people inside trapped as they couldn't get out. "Just hold on" I told them as I assessed the situation, placing my hands on each of the cars and pushing as hard as I could, groaning as they moved away from each other, the tires gripping onto the floor as it repelled my push.

The people in the car opened their doors, not even looking at me as they ran away, hoping over the hood of the cars as they made their way over the bridge as well as they could. Another shot hit the ground next to me as it send me flying through the air and causing me to land on the windshield of a car as it smashed, the whole vehicle shifting backwards slightly as I groaned, keeping my head forward to avoid a shard of glass going through the back of my skull. I swore under my breath as I pulled myself out of the hole, rolling onto the concrete and landing harshly on my side as I sat up slowly, setting my hand on my shoulder as I stretched it out, setting my back against the side of the car.

"Guys, the Vision made him angry" Tony said as I stood up, looking around to see Steve in the middle of the bridge, throwing his shied as it sliced straight through the middle of a robot. "What do you mean angry?" I asked as Steve caught his shield in his hand, shouting at people to get across the bridge as quickly as they could. "I'd suggest you guys hold on" he said as the ground next to me drove a plane he split down it, my eyes looking along it as the massive crack led all the way around and for as long as I could see.

I ran backwards as I watched people jump over it as quickly as they could, climbing over to railing for the bridge as they ran over it, the crack continuing through the bridge as the hole frame work of it broke. "What's going on?" Steve shouted to me as I shrugged my shoulder, before I knew it the ground I was on was lifting up, the car abandoned next to me lifting up with the ground.


A/N: hello guys, sorry i've not updated in a couple of days i've been really behind on school work and everything but i'm back with daily uploads I promise!
so i'm not entirely sure how many chapter will be left of this book, it'll probably be quite a lot because obviously the next book is Civil War and a lot happens between Ultron and Civil War so i'll need to write about that
please vote and comment and i will see you soon

A/N: hello guys, sorry i've not updated in a couple of days i've been really behind on school work and everything but i'm back with daily uploads I promise! so i'm not entirely sure how many chapter will be left of this book, it'll probably be qui...

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