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As soon as Ultron was smashed I fell to the ground, landing on my back as everyone turned to face me, my legs hurting a lot more now that I wasn't in combat, finally getting to focus on the pain

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As soon as Ultron was smashed I fell to the ground, landing on my back as everyone turned to face me, my legs hurting a lot more now that I wasn't in combat, finally getting to focus on the pain. I sighed deeply as blinked a few times, everyone running over to me. "You alright?" Steve said as he crouched down next to me, looking down at my legs, as he he put his hand under my neck. "No" I replied as he helped me sit up, leaning my back against his legs which caused me to wince in pain, leaning my head back and closing my eyes tightly.

"Her legs are shredded" Tony said as he stood in front of me, everyone looking down at my legs, pieces of glass coming out of my legs from my thighs to my ankles, cuts as long as my forearm running down my skin, blood dripping out of them and collecting in a small pool. "Here" Natasha said as she turned around and grabbed a blanket from the back of a couch and gave it to Steve who wrapped it around my legs as I clenched my jaw in pain as he lifted them up gently, wrapping my legs in the blanket to keep as much blood in as possible.

"Let's get her to the lab, someone call Dr. Cho" Banner said as everyone agreed with him, Steve slipping one hand under my legs and the other around my back, picking my up in one swift movement. He jostled me up a little, causing me to shrink into his body as I swore under my breath. "Sorry" he said to me apologetically as he started walking, leaning my head on his chest and closing my eyes as everyone followed him in the descent. "Wait, make sure i'm not flashing anyone" I said quietly, using my hand to pull my dress down a little, just for my fingers to get covered in deep blood, which made me sigh, wiping it on my soft dress which was now forever ruined.

"You're not" Steve said with a chuckle as he started walking down the stairs, everyone following after him.


"Okay, this might sting" Bruce said to me as he pushed his glasses further up his nose, a pair of tweezers in his hand as he pulled out the biggest pieces of glass. Steve had ran up to his room quickly, grabbing me one of his t-shirt's which was pulled over my dress, just falling at the start of my legs but it offered me a lot more coverage.

"Dr Cho is on her way, she'll be here as soon as possible" Tony said as he set his phone down, Steve gripping my hand as Bruce pulled a shard of glass out of my wound, setting it in a metal tray. Natasha stood at my other side having helped my put my hair up. "Are you sure you don't want morphine?" Tony asked me as he stood by the table I was lying on. "No it's fine, it doesn't hurt that bad" I said as I scrunched my nose, looking over at Steve.

"How had actually is it?" I asked him, breathing out heavily, another clink ringing out as the glass hit the metal tin. "Not too bad" he replied to me as he ran his thumb up and down the back of my hand. "Helen can fix it" Natasha's sweet voice said to me, as I nodded my head as well as I could.

"Anyone want a drink?" Tony said as he looked around the room, making eye contact with me. "Tony" Steve said forcefully as Tony nodded his head, turning away and walking over to another table. "I really liked this dress and now it's soaked in blood" I said with a fake pout, feeling Bruce's tweezers hit a nerve which caused my breath to hitch. "Sorry" Bruce said under his breath as he managed to pull another piece out. "It's okay" I told him, kind of annoyed about he apologised every 5 minutes.

"How's the pain?" Steve asked me as he kneeled down next to the table, now at eye level with me. "Just a little more than a gun shot" I said to him, raising my eyebrows as he bowed his head and sighed. "Why is it normal for you kind of people to know what a gun shot feels like?" Tony asked from the other side of the room as I looked over at him, rolling my eyes. "Because we don't all have a suit of metal protecting us" I retorted as he pointed his finger at me, nodding his head.

"Sometimes it doesn't even feel like I'm in the suit" he replied as I breathed out heavily, shaking my head in joke sympathy. "Must be really distressing for you" I replied as Bruce laughed lightly, the whole atmosphere in the room shifted much to my pleasure as I hated the fact everyone was so worried about me. "We need to talk" Rhodey said as he entered the room, looking at Tony as he smiled at me quickly before dropping his smile once again.

"Not right now, we'll have a team meeting once Ally is fine" Steve said to Rhodey as he stood up, turning to face him. "Sorry Cap, but there's really no time for that" Rhodey replied as Tony walked forward to him. "No he's right, once Dr Cho's machine is up and running" Tony said to him as Rhodey scoffed, running his hand down his face. "You guys don't have to wait on me, just talk and I'll get filled in later" I said as my eyes darted between all 3 men, Tony shaking his head.

"No, we'll wait"


A/N: hey guys sorry I missed an update yesterday!
I have a few chapters pre written so I might just update twice for the next few days as I've been writing quite a lot recently.
please vote and comment and I will see you soon

 please vote and comment and I will see you soon

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